Almonacid solos to stage win

eyJ0eXBlIjoiYm94b3V0IiwiaWQiOiIzYmYwZGNiYy05MGFhLTQzN2QtODY4Mi1mZjg2ZjZjMmM2OTEiLCJkYXRhIjp7InRpdGxlIjoiUmVsYXRlZCBBcnRpY2xlcyIsInRleHQiOlsiXHUwMDNjYSBocmVmPVwiL3JhY2VzL3Z1ZWx0YS1jaGlsZS0yMDEyL3N0YWdlLTMvcmVzdWx0c1wiXHUwMDNlTWFuc2lsbGEgd2lucyBhdCBWacOxYSBkZWwgTWFyIHRvIGV4dGVuZCBsZWFkXHUwMDNjL2FcdTAwM2UiXSwiaW1hZ2UiOnsiaWQiOiIiLCJuYW1lIjoiIiwicGF0aCI6IiIsInNyYyI6IiIsIm1vcyI6IiIsImltcG9ydFNyYyI6IiIsIndpZHRoIjowLCJoZWlnaHQiOjAsImFsdCI6IiIsImNyZWRpdCI6IiJ9fX0=>Full Results

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#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek3:50:41
2Vicente Muga (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:00:22
3Didier Chaparro (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:01:13
4Wolfgang Burmann (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:01:20
5Gonzalo Garrido (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:01:22
6Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:01:24
7Felix Cardenas (Col) Shimano GW0:01:29
8Daniel Rincon (Col) Shimano GW0:01:37
9Pablo Alarcon (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:02:08
10Oscar Pachon (Col) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:02:16
11Camilo Gomez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:02:59
12Eloy Ruiz (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:03:15
13Mauricio Ardila (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:03:18
14Sergio Godoy (Arg) Argentina0:03:39
15Tyler Wren (USA) Jamis Sutter Home0:04:06
16Luis Romero (Cub) Jamis Sutter Home0:04:10
17Matias Delgado (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:04:20
18Carlos Lopez (Mex) Mexico0:04:28
19Oscar Sanchez (Col) Shimano GW0:04:49
20Gonzalo Gonzalez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:04:54
21Ignacio Pereyra (Arg) Argentina0:05:02
22Daniel Bretti (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:05:07
23Lino Arriagada (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:05:10
24Gustavo Lopez (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:05:16
25Sebastian Lazo (Chi) Scanavini - FullrunnersRow 24 - Cell 2
26Mauricio Neisa (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:05:38
27Luciano Caraccioli (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:05:44
28John Martinez (Col) Comcel - ColdeportesRow 27 - Cell 2
29Cesar Oliva (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:05:52
30Richard Rodriguez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:05:57
31Hector Rangel (Mex) MexicoRow 30 - Cell 2
32Jorge Contreras (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:06:04
33Jaime Suaza (Col) Shimano GW0:06:36
34Miguel Burgos (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:06:39
35Gustavo Hernandez (Arg) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:06:46
36Vincenzo Garofalo (Ita) Team Nippo0:07:05
37Ricardo Hazbun (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:07:08
38Javier Ramirez (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:07:12
39Cleberson De Almeida (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:07:24
40Jonathan Velasquez (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:08:01
41Luis Sepulveda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:08:08
42Murilo Ferraz (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:08:12
43Christofer Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:08:17
44Alvaro Argiro (Arg) Argentina0:08:38
45Gerson Zuñiga (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:08:47
46Kohei Uchima (Jpn) Team Nippo0:08:54
47Alvaro Muñoz (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:09:10
48Alexander Zhdanov (Rus) Team Nippo0:09:13
49Marco Leon (Arg) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:09:23
50Peter Van Dijk (Ned) Jamis Sutter Home0:09:26
51Gabriel Brizuela (Arg) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:09:33
52Ricardo Paredes (Chi) Bicy Club MaculRow 51 - Cell 2
53Alejandro Duran (Arg) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:10:12
54Jesus Rosendo (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:10:51
55Stiver Ortiz (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:11:19
56Pablo Seisdedos (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:11:55
57Renato Aparecido (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:12:02
58Mandel Marquez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:12:08
59Camilo Velasquez (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:12:22
60Jonathan Guzman (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - ShimanoRow 59 - Cell 2
61Jonathan Avendaño (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:12:31
62Juan Gaspari (Arg) Argentina0:12:36
63Jose Miraglia (Uru) UruguayRow 62 - Cell 2
64Phillip Mooney (USA) Jamis Sutter Home0:12:49
65Christian Abarca (Chi) Bicy Club Macul0:13:04
66Diego Gonzalez (Uru) Uruguay0:13:09
67Pablo Reyes (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:13:20
68Jonathan Millan (Col) Shimano GW0:13:40
69Rodrigo Berrios (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:13:50
70Gabriel Ahumada (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:13:57
71Alexander Schrangl (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - OberndorferRow 70 - Cell 2
72Oscar Osorio (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:14:12
73Alvaro Castro (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:14:21
74Francisco Matamoros (Mex) Mexico0:14:26
75Gonzalo Tagliabue (Uru) Uruguay0:14:50
76Antonio Cabello (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:15:03
77Gonzalo Bastidas (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:15:20
78Antonio Testa (Ita) Team Nippo0:15:29
79Allan Quezada (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:15:31
80Jose Labra (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:15:36
81Andres Silva (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:15:56
82Jairo Salas (Col) Shimano GW0:15:58
83Rodeyck Asconeguy (Uru) Uruguay0:16:02
84Matthias Wieneroither (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - OberndorferRow 83 - Cell 2
85Alexander Dûrager (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - OberndorferRow 84 - Cell 2
86Maglio Diaz (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:16:05
87Gonzalo Miranda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:16:30
88Adrian Palomares (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:16:43
89Juan Jose Lobato (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:16:45
90Ignacio Maldonado (Uru) Uruguay0:16:46
91Pablo Gonzalez (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:16:59
92Fernando Antogna (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home0:17:14
93Alejandro Borrajo (Arg) Jamis Sutter HomeRow 92 - Cell 2
94Alan Presa (Uru) UruguayRow 93 - Cell 2
95Antonio Cabrera (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:17:20
96Miguel Hidalgo (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:17:26
97Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Team Nippo0:17:35
98Nelson Nilo (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:18:24
99Carlos Ackermann (Arg) Argentina0:18:44
100Mauricio Frazer (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:19:03
101Ivan Sepulveda (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:19:15
102Rodolfo Fernandez (Mex) Mexico0:19:55
103Leonel Cuni (Arg) Argentina0:21:47
104Mauro Richeze (Arg) Team Nippo0:22:55
105Daniel Carrizo (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:27:05
106Manuel Miranda (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:27:15
107Alcide Simôes (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:28:03
108Lars Pria (Rom) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - Oberndorfer0:29:10
109Ivan Carbajal (Mex) Mexico0:29:55
110Freddy Mena (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:30:51
111Uriel Chavez (Mex) Mexico0:31:07
112Anthony Ventura (Chi) Bicy Club Macul0:46:39
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#Rider Name (Country) TeamResultHeader Cell - Column 3
1Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek25pts
2Vicente Muga (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano20Row 1 - Cell 3
3Didier Chaparro (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes16Row 2 - Cell 3
4Wolfgang Burmann (Chi) Scott - Chilemat14Row 3 - Cell 3
5Gonzalo Garrido (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek12Row 4 - Cell 3
6Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek10Row 5 - Cell 3
7Felix Cardenas (Col) Shimano GW9Row 6 - Cell 3
8Daniel Rincon (Col) Shimano GW8Row 7 - Cell 3
9Pablo Alarcon (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners7Row 8 - Cell 3
10Oscar Pachon (Col) Club Ciclista Chacabuco6Row 9 - Cell 3
11Camilo Gomez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes5Row 10 - Cell 3
12Eloy Ruiz (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada4Row 11 - Cell 3
13Mauricio Ardila (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes3Row 12 - Cell 3
14Sergio Godoy (Arg) Argentina2Row 13 - Cell 3
15Tyler Wren (USA) Jamis Sutter Home1Row 14 - Cell 3
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#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Clos De Pirque – Trek11:34:49
2Comcel – Coldeportes0:04:44
3Shimano Gw0:05:09
4Scanavini – Fullrunners0:09:45
5Bianchi – R2 – Shimano0:09:59
6Union Ciclista Alvi Pf Curico0:13:15
7Selección De Argentina0:14:33
8Scott – Chilemat0:14:49
9Jamis Sutter Home0:14:56
10Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:16:41
12Mostazal – Cycling Adventure0:21:41
13Selección De México0:22:05
14Team Nippo0:22:26
15Felix Geraldo – Sali Hochschild0:24:05
16Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:24:52
17Arquitectura Usm By Triciclo Films0:35:28
18Selección De Uruguay0:37:49
19Arbô Gebrûder Weiss – Oberndorfer (Ktm)0:43:15
20Bicy Club Macul1:06:30
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General classification after stage 4
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek11:40:54
2Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:00:22
3Felix Cardenas (Col) Shimano GW0:01:01
4Vicente Muga (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:01:53
5Gonzalo Garrido (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:01:54
6Daniel Rincon (Col) Shimano GW0:02:48
7Didier Chaparro (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:03:11
8Wolfgang Burmann (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:03:26
9Camilo Gomez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:03:28
10Luis Romero (Cub) Jamis Sutter Home0:04:01
11Pablo Alarcon (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:04:16
12Oscar Pachon (Col) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:04:50
13Mauricio Ardila (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:05:14
14Sergio Godoy (Arg) ArgentinaRow 13 - Cell 2
15Tyler Wren (USA) Jamis Sutter Home0:05:28
16Oscar Sanchez (Col) Shimano GW0:06:00
17Ignacio Pereyra (Arg) Argentina0:06:31
18Eloy Ruiz (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:06:53
19Gustavo Lopez (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:06:58
20Gonzalo Gonzalez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:07:05
21Daniel Bretti (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:07:09
22Luciano Caraccioli (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:07:15
23Lino Arriagada (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:07:21
24Sebastian Lazo (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:07:23
25John Martinez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:07:40
26Mauricio Neisa (Col) Comcel - ColdeportesRow 25 - Cell 2
27Jorge Contreras (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:07:46
28Jaime Suaza (Col) Shimano GW0:07:47
29Carlos Lopez (Mex) Mexico0:07:59
30Cesar Oliva (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:08:00
31Richard Rodriguez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:08:08
32Matias Delgado (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:08:14
33Gustavo Hernandez (Arg) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:08:15
34Miguel Burgos (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:08:21
35Christofer Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:08:41
36Javier Ramirez (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:09:02
37Hector Rangel (Mex) Mexico0:09:22
38Ricardo Hazbun (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:09:38
39Luis Sepulveda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:09:40
40Alvaro Argiro (Arg) Argentina0:10:13
41Cleberson De Almeida (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:10:20
42Vincenzo Garofalo (Ita) Team Nippo0:10:35
43Peter Van Dijk (Ned) Jamis Sutter Home0:10:54
44Gabriel Brizuela (Arg) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:11:05
45Jonathan Velasquez (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:11:06
46Alvaro Muñoz (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:11:44
47Alexander Zhdanov (Rus) Team Nippo0:11:55
48Marco Leon (Arg) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:12:03
49Kohei Uchima (Jpn) Team Nippo0:12:21
50Alejandro Duran (Arg) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:12:24
51Pablo Seisdedos (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:12:32
52Jesus Rosendo (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:12:35
53Stiver Ortiz (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes0:13:15
54Ricardo Paredes (Chi) Bicy Club Macul0:13:38
55Jonathan Guzman (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:13:59
56Camilo Velasquez (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - ShimanoRow 55 - Cell 2
57Juan Gaspari (Arg) Argentina0:14:05
58Mandel Marquez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:14:19
59Gerson Zuñiga (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:14:52
60Renato Aparecido (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:14:58
61Jose Miraglia (Uru) Uruguay0:15:10
62Diego Gonzalez (Uru) Uruguay0:15:37
63Pablo Reyes (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico0:15:49
64Rodrigo Berrios (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:16:02
65Jonathan Millan (Col) Shimano GW0:16:28
66Alexander Schrangl (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - Oberndorfer0:17:05
67Gonzalo Tagliabue (Uru) Uruguay0:17:24
68Antonio Cabrera (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek0:17:52
69Francisco Matamoros (Mex) Mexico0:17:57
70Gonzalo Miranda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:17:58
71Antonio Testa (Ita) Team Nippo0:18:17
72Juan Jose Lobato (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:18:19
73Fernando Antogna (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home0:18:30
74Rodeyck Asconeguy (Uru) UruguayRow 73 - Cell 2
75Adrian Palomares (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:18:33
76Jairo Salas (Col) Shimano GW0:18:45
77Antonio Cabello (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada0:18:51
78Alvaro Castro (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:19:07
79Miguel Hidalgo (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano0:19:30
80Alan Presa (Uru) Uruguay0:19:45
81Ignacio Maldonado (Uru) Uruguay0:20:02
82Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Team Nippo0:20:17
83Carlos Ackermann (Arg) Argentina0:20:19
84Maglio Diaz (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:20:20
85Jose Labra (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:20:26
86Alexander Dûrager (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - Oberndorfer0:20:32
87Mauricio Frazer (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:20:39
88Murilo Ferraz (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:20:51
89Alejandro Borrajo (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home0:20:56
90Pablo Gonzalez (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure0:21:11
91Phillip Mooney (USA) Jamis Sutter Home0:23:17
92Gabriel Ahumada (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:25:37
93Gonzalo Bastidas (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:27:17
94Leonel Cuni (Arg) Argentina0:28:02
95Ivan Sepulveda (Chi) Scott - Chilemat0:28:40
96Andres Silva (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:28:46
97Oscar Osorio (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:32:44
98Mauro Richeze (Arg) Team Nippo0:35:28
99Jonathan Avendaño (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners0:38:08
100Nelson Nilo (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:41:59
101Christian Abarca (Chi) Bicy Club Macul0:46:16
102Allan Quezada (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:46:40
103Alcide Simôes (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:47:19
104Freddy Mena (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films0:55:27
105Daniel Carrizo (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue0:56:59
106Ivan Carbajal (Mex) Mexico1:00:55
107Rodolfo Fernandez (Mex) Mexico1:02:17
108Matthias Wieneroither (Aut) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - Oberndorfer1:05:07
109Lars Pria (Rom) Arbô Gebrûder Weiss - Oberndorfer1:08:49
110Uriel Chavez (Mex) Mexico1:13:32
111Manuel Miranda (Chi) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue1:30:03
112Anthony Ventura (Chi) Bicy Club Macul1:49:19
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Points classification
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResultHeader Cell - Column 3
1Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek51pts
2Juan Jose Lobato (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada35Row 1 - Cell 3
3Felix Cardenas (Col) Shimano GW29Row 2 - Cell 3
4Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek25Row 3 - Cell 3
5Maximiliano Richeze (Arg) Team Nippo23Row 4 - Cell 3
6Vicente Muga (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano20Row 5 - Cell 3
7Hector Rangel (Mex) Mexico20Row 6 - Cell 3
8Camilo Gomez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes19Row 7 - Cell 3
9Mauricio Ardila (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes19Row 8 - Cell 3
10Didier Chaparro (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes16Row 9 - Cell 3
11Luis Romero (Cub) Jamis Sutter Home16Row 10 - Cell 3
12Wolfgang Burmann (Chi) Scott - Chilemat14Row 11 - Cell 3
13Gonzalo Garrido (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek12Row 12 - Cell 3
14Pablo Seisdedos (Chi) Scott - Chilemat12Row 13 - Cell 3
15Jairo Salas (Col) Shimano GW10Row 14 - Cell 3
16Richard Rodriguez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico9Row 15 - Cell 3
17Christofer Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek9Row 16 - Cell 3
18Mauricio Frazer (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue9Row 17 - Cell 3
19Daniel Rincon (Col) Shimano GW8Row 18 - Cell 3
20Rodeyck Asconeguy (Uru) Uruguay8Row 19 - Cell 3
21Alejandro Borrajo (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home8Row 20 - Cell 3
22Pablo Alarcon (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners7Row 21 - Cell 3
23Ignacio Maldonado (Uru) Uruguay7Row 22 - Cell 3
24Oscar Pachon (Col) Club Ciclista Chacabuco6Row 23 - Cell 3
25Daniel Bretti (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners6Row 24 - Cell 3
26Miguel Burgos (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano6Row 25 - Cell 3
27Leonel Cuni (Arg) Argentina6Row 26 - Cell 3
28Eloy Ruiz (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada4Row 27 - Cell 3
29Antonio Cabello (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada3Row 28 - Cell 3
30Murilo Ferraz (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo3Row 29 - Cell 3
31Alan Presa (Uru) Uruguay2Row 30 - Cell 3
32Sergio Godoy (Arg) Argentina2Row 31 - Cell 3
33Tyler Wren (USA) Jamis Sutter Home1Row 32 - Cell 3
34Alcide Simôes (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo1Row 33 - Cell 3
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Sprint classification
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResultHeader Cell - Column 3
1Fernando Antogna (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home20pts
2Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek15Row 1 - Cell 3
3Gonzalo Miranda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure13Row 2 - Cell 3
4Kohei Uchima (Jpn) Team Nippo6Row 3 - Cell 3
5Gustavo Hernandez (Arg) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure6Row 4 - Cell 3
6Pablo Gonzalez (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure5Row 5 - Cell 3
7Alan Presa (Uru) Uruguay5Row 6 - Cell 3
8Miguel Hidalgo (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano4Row 7 - Cell 3
9Murilo Ferraz (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo4Row 8 - Cell 3
10Christofer Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek3Row 9 - Cell 3
11Jairo Salas (Col) Shimano GW3Row 10 - Cell 3
12Sebastian Lazo (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners2Row 11 - Cell 3
13Nelson Nilo (Chi) Arquitectura USM By Triciclo Films1Row 12 - Cell 3
14Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek1Row 13 - Cell 3
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Mountains classification
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResultHeader Cell - Column 3
1Gonzalo Garrido (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek56pts
2Patricio Almonacid (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek30Row 1 - Cell 3
3Kohei Uchima (Jpn) Team Nippo28Row 2 - Cell 3
4Didier Chaparro (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes26Row 3 - Cell 3
5Oscar Pachon (Col) Club Ciclista Chacabuco25Row 4 - Cell 3
6Vicente Muga (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano24Row 5 - Cell 3
7Wolfgang Burmann (Chi) Scott - Chilemat21Row 6 - Cell 3
8Felix Cardenas (Col) Shimano GW20Row 7 - Cell 3
9Gonzalo Miranda (Chi) Mostazal - Cycling Adventure19Row 8 - Cell 3
10Miguel Hidalgo (Arg) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano18Row 9 - Cell 3
11Fernando Antogna (Arg) Jamis Sutter Home12Row 10 - Cell 3
12Murilo Ferraz (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo11Row 11 - Cell 3
13Stiver Ortiz (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes11Row 12 - Cell 3
14Matias Delgado (Chi) Scott - Chilemat10Row 13 - Cell 3
15Luis Mansilla (Chi) Clos De Pirque - Trek10Row 14 - Cell 3
16Daniel Rincon (Col) Shimano GW8Row 15 - Cell 3
17Sergio Godoy (Arg) Argentina8Row 16 - Cell 3
18Jonathan Velasquez (Chi) Club Ciclista Chacabuco8Row 17 - Cell 3
19Camilo Gomez (Col) Comcel - Coldeportes6Row 18 - Cell 3
20Pablo Alarcon (Chi) Scanavini - Fullrunners6Row 19 - Cell 3
21Jonathan Millan (Col) Shimano GW6Row 20 - Cell 3
22Jairo Salas (Col) Shimano GW6Row 21 - Cell 3
23Jaime Suaza (Col) Shimano GW5Row 22 - Cell 3
24Miguel Burgos (Chi) Bianchi - R2 - Shimano4Row 23 - Cell 3
25Alcide Simôes (Bra) Clube Dataro De Ciclismo3Row 24 - Cell 3
26Tyler Wren (USA) Jamis Sutter Home2Row 25 - Cell 3
27Oscar Sanchez (Col) Shimano GW2Row 26 - Cell 3
28Eloy Ruiz (Spa) Andalucia Caja Granada2Row 27 - Cell 3
29Gustavo Lopez (Arg) Felix Geraldo - Sali Hochschild Copiapo - Lm Doñihue1Row 28 - Cell 3
30Gonzalo Gonzalez (Chi) Union Ciclista Alvi PF Curico1Row 29 - Cell 3
31Alvaro Argiro (Arg) Argentina1Row 30 - Cell 3
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Teams classification
#Rider Name (Country) TeamResult
1Clos De Pirque – Trek34:24:09
2Shimano Gw0:05:42
3Comcel – Coldeportes0:06:08
4Bianchi – R2 – Shimano0:12:31
5Scanavini – Fullrunners0:12:54
6Jamis Sutter Home0:15:46
7Scott – Chilemat0:16:33
8Union Ciclista Alvi Pf CuricoRow 7 - Cell 2
9Selección De Argentina0:16:57
10Club Ciclista Chacabuco0:20:16
12Mostazal – Cycling Adventure0:24:20
13Team Nippo0:26:09
14Selección De México0:26:43
15Felix Geraldo – Sali Hochschild0:26:48
16Clube Dataro De Ciclismo0:38:40
17Selección De Uruguay0:41:12
18Arquitectura Usm By Triciclo Films0:48:32
19Arbô Gebrûder Weiss – Oberndorfer (Ktm)1:11:11
20Bicy Club Macul2:19:14
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DE PANNE BELGIUM MARCH 27 Lorena Wiebes of Netherlands and Team SD Worx Protime celebrates at finish line as race winner during the 8th Womens Classic BruggeDe Panne 2025 a 1527km one day race from Brugge to De Panne UCIWT on March 27 2025 in De Panne Belgium Photo by Luc ClaessenGetty Images
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Team UAE's Juan Ayuso (C) and Team Bora's Primoz Roglic (R) cross the finish line in first and second place respectively during the 3rd stage of the 2025 Volta a Catalunya cycling tour of Catalonia, a 178,3 km race between Viladecans and La Molina, on March 26, 2025. (Photo by Josep LAGO / AFP)
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