Unbound Gravel past winners 2024

Keegan Swenson wins the pro men's 200 at Unbound Gravel in 2023
Keegan Swenson wins the pro men's 200 at Unbound Gravel in 2023 (Image credit: SnowyMountain Photography)
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Past winners Unbound Gravel 200 - men
YearRider Name
2023Keegan Swenson
2022Ivar Slik
2021Ian Boswell
2020Race cancelled
2019Colin Strickland
2018Ted King
2017Mat Stephens
2016Ted King
2015Yuri Hauswald
2014Brian Jensen
2013Dan Hughes
2012Dan Hughes
2011Dan Hughes
2010Corey Godfrey
2009Michael Marchand
2008Cameron Chambers
2007Steve Guetzelman
2006Dan Hughes
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Past winners Unbound Gravel 200 - women
YearRider NameHeader Cell - Column 2
2023Carolin SchiffRow 0 - Cell 2
2022Sofia Gomez VillafaneRow 1 - Cell 2
2021Lauren De CrescenzoRow 2 - Cell 2
2020Race CancelledRow 3 - Cell 2
2019Amity RockwellRow 4 - Cell 2
2018Kaitlin KeoughRow 5 - Cell 2
2017Alison TetrickRow 6 - Cell 2
2016Amanda NaumanRow 7 - Cell 2
2015Amanda NaumanRow 8 - Cell 2
2014Rebecca RuschRow 9 - Cell 2
2013Rebecca RuschRow 10 - Cell 2
2012Rebecca RuschRow 11 - Cell 2
2011Betsy ShogrenRow 12 - Cell 2
2010Emily BrockRow 13 - Cell 2
2009N/ARow 14 - Cell 2
2008Kristen HighRow 15 - Cell 2
2007Leslie HiemenzRow 16 - Cell 2

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