Tour de Nez Century Ride

The 13th Annual Tour de Nez, scheduled for June 16-18, 2005, in Reno, Nevada, USA, is bringing biking to the mainstream this year with the Tour de Nez Century Ride on June 18. Offering three different rides complementing every level of fitness and experience, the Tour de Nez Century ride gives families and beginning cyclists as well as seasoned amateurs, the chance to participate on every level.

This year's Tour de Nez Century Ride starts and finishes at Reno's Wingfield Park, home of the three-day Tour de Nez Celebration of Cycling, and travels along the scenic routes of Old Highway 40, the Truckee River, Verdi and Lake Tahoe. Participants will be among the first group to travel along the newly completed first leg of the Tahoe Pyramid Bikeway.