Spanish anti-doping law passed

Spanish parliament has approved the proposed new anti-doping law on Thursday, November 2. The long-awaited legislation, which puts doping infractions on a criminal level, was adopted by 302 deputies out of 310, and should be in place within the next six months - possibly within three.

The new set of laws foresees prison sentences from six months up to two years for involvement in illegal doping practices. "This is a big step forward," said the Spanish minister for sport, Jaime Lissavetzky, who initiated the new law. "The principle of zero tolerance is becoming a reality in this country. Sports people support this law, as the persons responsible (for doping) will also go to prison. In criminalising doping, it makes is easier to fight it on a legal level." Athletes will be offered reductions of their punishments if they collaborate with the investigators to identify the dealers and persons behind their doping use, who risk lifelong bans if licensed within a sports discipline.