Race indoors with ABD

Don't fancy riding outside in sub-freezing temperatures but still want to race? The Athletes by Design Cycle Club has opened registration and announced details for its seventh annual indoor time trial series, which includes two indoor flat 10 kilometre races, two indoor rolling 10km races and the John Fraser Memorial time trial. Riders race on Computrainers, simulating race conditions - and considering that Chicago's weather is predicted to just nudge freezing from below once this week, riding without snow and possible frostbite certainly looks like the way to go! Whereas at past ABD indoor events riders have traditionally raced head-to-head against other competitors, at the 2006 series riders have the option of racing on Computrainer's new 8-Up, Multirider racing system, which is currently being used at the ABD Cycling Centre in Prairie Path Cycles.

In addition, after a hugely successful 2005 series that averaged over 200 participants per race, the indoor events have been relocated to a larger venue at the Community High School in West Chicago, Illinois. Overall results will now be based on participants' single fastest flat 10km, single fastest rolling 10km and the 10-mile outdoor event.