New Fizik One-to-One saddle service custom 3D-prints your personalised saddle

Fizik One to One custom saddle pinting
(Image credit: Fizik)

Fikik has launched a new service called One-to-One, which custom 3D prints one of its Adaptive saddle models to perfectly fit you. It’s available on a range of saddle bases with either carbon or Kium alloy rails.

Many riders find even the best bike saddles difficult to get comfortable with. While a bike fit can sort out many sources of discomfort and cycling injuries, and suggest a new saddle for you, until now you’ve been limited to what’s ready-made on the market. You’re going to be sitting on your saddle for hours on end, so getting it right can be vital.

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Paul has been on two wheels since he was in his teens and he's spent much of the time since writing about bikes and the associated tech. He's a road cyclist at heart but his adventurous curiosity means Paul has been riding gravel since well before it was cool, adapting his cyclo-cross bike to ride all-day off-road epics and putting road kit to the ultimate test along the way. Paul has contributed to Cyclingnews' tech coverage for a few years, helping to maintain the freshness of our buying guides and deals content, as well as writing a number of our voucher code pages.