Nardello signs with Boifava for 2007

Daniele Nardello has found a new team for 2007. La Gazzetta dello Sport reports that the Italian cyclist from Varese, who was not renewed with T-Mobile, has reached an accord with Davide Boifava, current team manager of Androni Giocattoli-3C Casalinghi. Nardello, who was once speculated to be joining friend Ivan Basso at Discovery Channel, will ride Boifava's new team, a fusion of Androni Giocattoli-3C Casalinghi and Team LPR

Nardello will have a chance to familiarized himself with the new pro-continental team, including Raffaele Ferrara, starting today at the first team gathering. The boys will meet in Calcinato (Brescia), the site of bicycle manufacturer Carrera, for training rides and distribution of technical materials.