Mid Atlantic Series gears up for Championship weekend

Thanksgiving weekend will see two championship races in the Mid-Atlantic region, and both are open to all comers. Saturday’s Pennsylvania State Championships and Sunday’s MABRA Championships take place only 45 minutes apart, making for a unique weekend double-header. The championships in all classes on both days will be determined by the best-placed rider from the specified area (Pennsylvania on Saturday; Delaware, Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia on Sunday).

The Sutliff Hummer PA State Championship Cyclocross on Saturday, November 25, will be held at the Carlisle Fairgrounds and is promoted by Yellow Breeches Racing, the same organization that promotes the hugely successful Volkswagon Iron Cross and Iron Cross Lite cyclocrosses. Riders staying overnight will also get to see the Carlisle Christmas light display at the fairgrounds. Staying overnight in Carlisle is recommended because there are no hotels in the immediate vicinity of Taneytown, the venue for the following day’s MABRA Championships.