Giro diary watch: Fans, money, surviving...

Gerolsteiner's Robert Förster knew what kind of day it was going to be when he looked out the window Wednesday morning and saw the heavy rain. And this is how the race started: "At the start was a big discussion. Jens Voigt was in the front row. The flag waved for the start - and nobody moved. 'Voigte' came back to us. 'What's happening?', I asked him. 'Every team should send a spokesman to the front, it's about the race course', he said. 'The Würzjoch has 0 degrees and sleet. If we ride over that, we'll all catch our death,' he said. Of course I have absolutely no objection if they want to eliminate a mountain."

Once underway, Förster managed to stay busy. His chain kept slipping off and he had to have it repaired. It was warm at the start but then got colder. "Pick up the rain jacket, gloves. No, that's too warm. Pick up the vest. No, too cold. The jacket again. I think we were back at the autos today more than in the field."