Fired EF rider Andrea Piccolo was under investigation by anti-doping authorities prior to police search

Andrea Piccolo
Andrea Piccolo in action at the Tour Colombia (Image credit: Getty Images)

The UCI has stated that the police search that led to the termination of Andrea Piccolo’s contract with EF Education-EasyPost was carried out following an investigation by the International Testing Agency (ITA).

Late on Friday evening, EF Education-EasyPost revealed that Piccolo had been stopped by Italian law enforcement authorities earlier that day “on suspicion of transporting Human Growth Hormone".

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Barry Ryan
Head of Features

Barry Ryan is Head of Features at Cyclingnews. He has covered professional cycling since 2010, reporting from the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and events from Argentina to Japan. His writing has appeared in The Independent, Procycling and Cycling Plus. He is the author of The Ascent: Sean Kelly, Stephen Roche and the Rise of Irish Cycling’s Golden Generation, published by Gill Books.