/ Cannondale elite amateur team kicks off 2009

With a balanced combination of experienced veteran riders and proven young talent, the Northeast-based / Cannondale Elite Amateur Cycling team is looking forward to competing throughout the United States in a schedule emphasizing NRC races as well as remaining true to its New England roots. The team is a continuation of the Fiordifrutta team, which was the number one ranked US amateur team in the 2007 NRC team standings.

The team includes Josh Dillon, Dan Timmerman, Matt White, Eric Schildge, Alister Ratcliff, Steve Weller, Nick Keough, Justin Lindine, and Rider-Manager Todd Nordblom. Team leaders include Dillon, White, and Schildge, all of whom have posted top 10 results in US National Championship road events.

Daniel Benson

Daniel Benson was the Editor in Chief at between 2008 and 2022. Based in the UK, he joined the Cyclingnews team in 2008 as the site's first UK-based Managing Editor. In that time, he reported on over a dozen editions of the Tour de France, several World Championships, the Tour Down Under, Spring Classics, and the London 2012 Olympic Games. With the help of the excellent editorial team, he ran the coverage on Cyclingnews and has interviewed leading figures in the sport including UCI Presidents and Tour de France winners.