Aussie MTB Nationals to be featured on TV

Crews from the weekly television program Cycling Central were on hand at the Mount Beauty and Thredbo Aussie National Championship races, and will feature the events in an upcoming one-hour championships special; scheduled for February 19 at 11am (on SBS). Also, their regular show about all things cycling screens at 5.30pm Sunday evening.

The television program Totally Wild (on Australia's channel 10) will also have a feature segment about National's on February 21 at 4pm. The Totally Wild crew catch up with James Maltman and Erica Oldfield, both rising stars in DH and XC respectively, and find out about youth and mountain biking. And if you didn't already know, Totally Wild is a half hour lively and informative program featuring stories on sport and recreation, animals, wildlife and the environment largely directed to youth.