Rebecca returns

August 24, 2007

Well I'm back from falling off the face of the planet and it sure feels good. If you are curious about what falling off the face of the planet is like I would not recommend it, its not a fun place and it's a pain in the ass to climb back up. Nonetheless, even though I had a bad time while I was gone from the sport of cycling, in retrospect it made me learn some really important lessons that I feel honored to know at such a young age. Have you ever talked to an old washed out individual and listened to their stories? Well I've got some similar stories to tell my kids one day now and I wouldn't take it back now even if I could.

Follow the program's young female cyclists as they embark on their journey to the top of the pro ranks

The US Women's Cycling Development program was founded by former pro rider, Michael Engleman, as a way to help promising young women cyclists reach their full potential as athletes.

The dedicated and well spoken women of this program provide thoughtful, compelling and sometimes hilarious anecdotes of their experiences in this diary. For further reading about the program, visit the USWCDP website.