Schalk crushes the competition for his first 100-miler win of the season
Sornson speeds to victory in women's race
The Kenda National Ultra Endurance Series (NUE) presented by Nutrition made stop number three of 11 this year at the 9th Annual Mohican Mountain Bike 100 on Saturday. After soaking rains and, not one, but two tornados that touched down near the course last year, nearly 600 racers welcomed what began with mild temperatures and dry, fast conditions this year. However, later in the day, as the race progressed, temperatures approached 90 degrees (Fahrenheit), causing many racers to cramp and forcing others to abandon all hope of finishing.
NUE Women's Open: 100 Miler
Cheryl Sornson (Team CF) achieved her first win of the NUE season, finishing in just 8:36:03. About 13 minutes later, Brenda Simril (Motor Mile Racing) rolled under the finish line covered in dust and sweat. Andrea Wilson (Outdoors), in third, achieved her first podium finish in the women's open with style, racing on a rigid singlespeed,
"I had a great start. The trails were fast and fun," said Sornson. "I rolled great for first 50+, but tired a bit and had not seen any women and thought it safe to slow down. That turned out to be a good thought since the heat set in and then I had to slow down."
Sornson said she stopped at each of the aid stations and that getting ice at aid station 5 saved her.
"I was hoping for a time about a half hour faster, but I still had a clean race and got to bring home the best trophy ever!" she said, referring to the large dream catcher that featured a turtle shell. At the awards presentation, Cheryl noted that the award had special meaning because of her nickname: 'Churtle the Turtle'".
Simril talked about her second place race. "It was yet another great Mohican adventure, about as extreme a difference from last year, but epic in a completely different way. Fortunatel,y we paid close attention to the weather forecasts. Although it was brisk and pleasant in the morning, by about aid station 3, I was glad I stuck with our sleeveless blue jersey rather than our new kits, which are really sharp-looking, but happen to be black. Not a good mix for yesterday's race!"
Simril's strategy was to go out at a hard, but manageable pace. "I learned the hard way at Cohutta when I went out way too hard and ended up blowing up about halfway through. I got into the singletrack in a good position and was able to just ride comfortably and clear the whole way to aid station 2. The support for the volunteers at every aid station was fantastic, so they got us in and out of there in record time."
Simril felt the heat kick in after leaving aid station 3 and going up a demoralizing singletrack climb that seemed to go on forever. "After three years of doing this race, you'd think I'd learn to take enough water with me to make it from aid station 3 to 4. Unfortunately, I guess I have a thick skull because I only took two bottles and had to ration the whole way. From aid station 3 to the finish, I used at least half of the water I carried to pour over my head. That way the only way I think I was able to finish feeling somewhat strong. Well, that, and the great folks at aid station 4 who let me stand under the icy cold water spigot until I got my body temperature down!"
Headwinds made the road sections, usually a welcome respite, a bit tricky.
"I was hoping that I might catch a glimpse of Cheryl at some point, but knowing how incredibly strong she is, I certainly wasn't counting on it," said Simril. "Kudos to all the women out there yesterday who braved the heat - it is a great testament to the field that we had such a high percentage of finishers."
Wilson talked about doing the race on her singlespeed. "The race was tough for singlespeed! If you gear for the steepness, you'll spend a lot of time spun out; gear for the flat parts, and you'll be shifting to your hiking gear on the steeper hills."
"I realized early on that I was slightly overgeared, so I knew it was going to be a long day. Looking back, though, it was probably a good move considering that everyone else was on geared bikes. I also ran a rigid fork. It slows me down a little on the sketchy downhill stuff, but the lightness and lack of bob when standing (which you do a lot of when SSing) more than makes up for it.
Wilson had been hoping to stay with Simril. "It wasn't meant to be, though. I got caught in some early traffic, lost sight of her on the first singletrack, and never saw her again."
"Like any good endurance race, the day was a mix of elation and suffering. I had double rainbow moments, bonk moments, and long periods of time where I pondered the reasons why anyone in their right mind would get on a bike and ride past exhaustion in the name of competition... then I'd remember that I was racing, trying to podium, and that I should probably be pedaling harder. Nine hours and 32 minutes later, I had my first podium at an NUE race- third behind Cheryl and Brenda."
Laureen Coffelt (Velosoul/The Natural Way) finished 10:04:10 to take fourth place. Forty minutes later, Molly Wolf (Wheel Werks) held off the rest of the field to join the top five.
NUE Men's Open: 100 Miler
Three-time reigning NUE Series Champion Jeff Schalk (Trek) finally broke the yoke of suffering from mechanical difficulties at the Cohutta 100 and Syllamo's Revenge by getting the win and setting a new course record in the process. Michael Simonson (RBS Trek MTB Team) finished second in what would become a close race for the two, three and four spots, separated by mere minutes.
"I didn't feel very good for the first 30 miles, largely due to Josh (Tostado) and Brandon (Draugelis) drilling the singletrack," said Schalk. "I suffered and struggled to hold on to keep them in sight. But once we got to some road sections, I was able to regroup. There were five of us together still, including Josh, Brandon, Christian (Tanguy), and Mike. Through the singletrack around aid station 3, about mile 45, I began to feel very comfortable as the others seemed to be slowing."
Schalk put in an acceleration at mile 52, dropping Tostado and Draugelis. Simonson then went off the front and was dangling just ahead, up the road. Schalk put in an effort to bridge up to Simonson and Tanguy couldn't follow. The two leaders worked together on the Mohican Valley Trail towpath and built a nice lead.
Around mile 75, Simonson began to fade and could no longer take pulls. "So I left him behind and soloed to the end. I felt great the whole second half and was able to get what I think is a new course record of 6:45," said Schalk
Schalk's time of 6:45:37 surpassed the previous course record set by 2009 Mohican 100 winner Jeremiah Bishop in 6:50:26. Could that set the stage for a 2012 return by Bishop? Perhaps the $1000 top prize will add incentive?
According to Simonson, "Robert Marion and I went for the $200 prime (early in the race). He edged me out in the sprint. It was a full out effort! Shortly after I took the holeshot into the first singletrack, Tostado got around me and was really pushing the pace. We rode the first hill that we normally hike-a-bike."
"As the temperatures rose, the humidity took a toll on all of us," said Simonson. "It was every man for himself when the sun hit its peak after noon. I held onto second (with a 7:11:30 - ed)."
Just two minutes later, Team CF mates Brandon Draugelis and Christian Tanguy, winner of the Cohutta 100 and Syllamos Revenge, rolled in followed by Josh Tostado, undefeated Champion of the Breckenridge 100 in Colorado, finishing 7:23:24.
NUE Singlespeed Open: 100 Miler
Two-time NUE Singlespeed Champion Gerald Pflug (Salsa/NoTubes/Pro Bikes) took his third straight NUE Series victory this year, completing the course in just 7:39:30. Afterward, the "Pfluginator" said, "The singlespeed race was very competitive at the start for me until aid station 2."
After the road climb out of Loudonville, Matt Ferrari, Montana Miller, Dylan Johnson and Pflug were riding together in the initial singletrack sections. Justin Pokrivka had created a gap on us in the initial section of trail. Matt Ferrari crashed on a downhill and was left behind.
"I heard a nasty crash behind me on one of the steep descents, but never looked back to see what actually happened," said Pflug. "After coming out at the Mohican Camp Ground, I looked around to see where Matt was, but he was not in sight. After the race, I heard from him that he was the one that crashed behind me on the descent."
Pflug worked his way through the traffic of the geared riders in front of him as he chased Pokivka. It wasn't until the hike-a-bike section that Johnson, Miller and Pflug saw him again.
Johnson dropped off the pace when they reached the gravel roads leading to aid station 2. With other geared riders around, Pflug said, "I figured things would be hectic at the checkpoint, so I kind of pushed the pace going into the checkpoint and was one of the first to grab my drop bag. I left quickly and got a gap on the two other singlespeed racers. I never saw another singlespeed competitor after that point and basically either rode my own race or found a geared guy or two to ride with on the course. The heat really became noticeable after checkpoint #3 and trying to deal with it became my biggest battle of the day. I manage my fluid and food intake well, though, and was able to maintain my gap over the other singlespeed racers for the hard-earned win."
Ferrari (Hubcap-Freeze Thaw Cycles) shared his thoughts on what ensued following the crash, "In the chaos of the opening singletrack, I washed out my front wheel and crashed on one of the loose opening descents (just barely into the singletrack)." The crash happened after Ferrari made what he termed a "risky" pass.
"I paid the price and thankfully no one else was hurt," said Ferrari, "but I had to wait for the field to pass while I straightened out my bike. After moving from the front to the back, I set to working my way forward on the Mohican Forest trails. It was slow going and it wasn't until after aid station 2 that I started to reel in the SS field, first Justin, then Dylan, then Montana. I was able to work with some geared riders to move forward during the rollers but once we hit the flats between aid stations 3 and 4, they dropped me and I was left in no man's land. I knew Gerry would have the benefit of the geared train moving forward, so I set to limiting my losses and keeping the others from catching up." Ferrari held on, finishing second, 7:51:56.
Jason Pruitt (29ercrew/LAS/Hodson Bay) took the third spot on the podium. "The Mohican 100 is my favorite, it suits my riding style well, being from Indiana. I had a rough start with a crash about 10 miles in...the result of bad judgement through a rocky descent. As I gained my composure and settled into a smooth spin I focused on the task at hand...go fast...drink plenty of fluids."
Pruitt had a game plan of skipping aid statoin 1, but stopping at the rest. The early fast speeds took a toll on Pruitt, but he recovered between aid stations 2 and 3. "I was lucky enough to catch the wheel of fellow 29er crew member Robert Herriman."
Pruitt got a flat sometime after aid station 3. "I donated my blood to the mosquito population in that area," he said of his time stopped while fixing the flat. "I had a problem with my CO2 charge and had to use another to get my tire aired up. It was still a little low and had to ride light. I kept telling myself....light as butterfly...and tried to ride the front wheel over the obstacles and rocks. It sucked, of course, because I was really looking forward to riding the last bit of singletrack fast! I made it work and was very happy to see the campground. I came through the finish and was happy to find out that I was also on the podium."
Michael Ramponi (Independent Fabrication) finished fourth in 8:19:30, and Robert Lochner (Iron City Bikes) was fifth in 8:23:54.
NUE Masters 50+: 100 Miler
In the Masters, NUE Champion Robert Herriman (Trek 29er Crew/WSC/ took the top spot on the podium in 7:57:53. The following quote appears on all of his email messages, "The best way to predict the future is to create it!".
Herriman didn't predict his win today but certainly made it happen. Here's what he had to say, "This was my second Mohican 100, with the first being the tornado-threatened race last year. I liked today's blue skies and dry trail way, way, better!"
"After this year's Cohutta 100 NUE masters' result, there was a new hierarchy set and I'd fallen to the third spot behind my teammate Roger Masse and Doug Andrews. Today's race seemed to confirm this new order as most of the day I ran in third behind these two guys."
Herriman spent about 65 miles of the race riding with 29er singlespeed teammate Jason Pruitt. He caught up with Masse at about mile 90 and got around him when the latter bobbled. About five seconds later, Herriman slipped on some loose stuff and went down, too.
"I passed Roger again and tried my best to put in an effort to make the pass stick and I was able to stay ahead to the finish," said Herriman. "Doug was waiting for us there and let us know he had to DNF after missing a turn and getting way off course so it ended up to be a win for me today. I can't say I believe the 2011 NUE masters' hierarchy changed today but these are long, hard races and anything can happen."
Masse rolled in one minute after Herriman. He described his day in the saddle, "Doug Andrews and Robert Herriman both had a better start than me." Masse said he tried to stay in contact after aid station 5, but "I was moving pretty slow by then and I just didn't have it. The better man won today."
At 9:25:26, Chris Irving (Red Ant Racing) took the third spot with David Grauer (Orthopro) in fourth at 9:34:26 and Paul Vankooten (Motor Mile / SCV) in fifth 9:36:43, just minutes behind.
Michael Dietlin (Kenda Tires/White Brothers) finished in 12:11:22, a time that might not seem all that extraordinary in a 100-mile race, that is until you consider that Mike will be celebrating his 70th birthday this year. For Dietlin, this is his second straight finish, taking the honor of eldest finisher, awarded by BikeSource of Columbus.
Men's Open: 100K
2008 100k winner Brian Schworm (Pedal Power) powered his way to the podium again this year in just 4:55:57, nearly breaking the course record of 4:53:24 set in 2009 by Travis Saeler of Pennsylvania. Afterward, Schworm said, "It went fantastic, trails were great, weather was great, and so was the competition. Tim (Carson) and I were riding together for the first couple of hours. We got to some hilly sections and I took off a little bit, then we got to that steep run up (Giffin road shortly past Aid two) and I think that's where I bridged the gap."
When asked whether it was more or less difficult than 2008, Schworm said, "The trails were faster but I think my body was more wore out this year."
Ross Clark (Edge Outdoors) finished just one minute behind Schworm in 4:56:58. "There was four of riding together in the front, me, Brian, Tim, and Steve Twining (Groovy Cycle Works). Tim was leading it out but took a wrong turn but (chuckling) we yelled to him to get him to come back. The signage was there but he had his head down and was just crankin'."
"Once we got into the singletrack, Twining, gambling by riding a new and untested bike, busted his chain about 100 yards into it. He didn't have any tools with him, of course, so I gave him my tool and spare link. At that point, Tim and Brian were gone and a couple of one hundred milers passed us up so I didn't see Tim again until the big gravel climb (Giffin Rd) coming out of aid station 2 at Buckhaven. I met up with Tim there and we rode together all the way through Mohican Wilderness. At Aid One, I heard that the gap to Schworm was about three minutes."
"Tim was going really strong on the road and I thought I was done but I caught back up to him in the singletrack and just put the hammer down as hard as I could. Tim put a heck of a move on me in the wilderness (referring to Mohican Wilderness) and passed up two people. Then I passed those same two people and was coming into a downhill too hot, it was loose, the bike came out from underneath me, I smacked into a tree and that kinda hurt. When I took off again my brake lever was bent all the way back so I had to get that thing rearranged but Juan was helping me out at the aid station (3) so I was able to save some time there."
Tim Carson placed third, one minute behind Clark, the top three all coming in under the five hour barrier. "I had a good day leading out the race. I was running with Brian until the big hill (Giffin Rd)," said Carson. "We rode together for the first 100 yards before he stood up and just sprinted up the rest of it. Then I never saw him again."
The first 24-hour racer to break the lap record of 24-Hour Champion David "Tinker" Juarez, Chip Meek (Spin bike shop/dieringer frames) finished 5:24:00 and just three minutes later, in a tie, James Mayuric (Dirty Harry's) and Tim Mould (Team CF/ Pro Bikes) finished in 5:27:43.
Winning an award from BikeSource of Columbus as the youngest finisher was local rider, Peter Joyal (Kim's Bikes of Loudonville) just 16 years old finishing his second straight Mohican 100k in just 10:14:37.
Women's Open: 100K
Michelle Peariso (Adventure212 / Specialized) won with a time of 6:17:27 and pulled off an upset over the defending four time champion Amanda Virostko (Shamrock/Biowheels), who finished third this year at 6:44:50. Taking second place behind Virostko last year, Ohio Mountain Bike Championship Series reigning Champion, Heidi Shilling (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) poured on the coals this year, finishing second in just 6:30:22. In her first podium finish at Mohican, Sherry Downing (Team Kenda) finished fourth in 6:52:36.
Singlespeed Open: 100K
John Lorson (Soup Can Racing) took his second victory at Mohican after his first win in 2009, 5:41:41. Nine minutes later, Jay Blews (HBI Racing) rolled in just ahead of Lorson's teammate Shawn Jones, 6:07:43.
Finishing fourth and fifth respectively were Michael Gorman (Orrville Cycling Club) in 6:15:32 and Kristofer Karwisch (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) in 6:20:39.
Julie Lewis Sroka (Lake Effect Racing) the only woman registered in the singlespeed open, placed ninth out of 20 in the 100k, with a time of 7:15:47.
"I rode my first Mohican 100K on a singlespeed using a 34/23 gear set-up," said Sroka. "It was also my first mountain bike race on a singlespeed. After the start, I spun my way to the first climb and was happy to know that I picked a good gear for climbing. There was a line of racers for as far as I could see. I finished my first 100K on a singlespeed in one piece, no crashes, and in 7:15. I'll take it."
Men's Masters 50+: 100K
Rudy Sroka (Lake Effect Racing) blistered the 100k course, finishing 5:41:02 and setting a new course record in the masters en route to his second straight Mohican 100k victory. Finishing in the two spot for his second straight year, Mark Virello, of Boston, Massachussets, was just six minutes off the pace of Sroka at 5:47:45. Taking the third spot on the podium, Jack Kline (Einstein Racing), finished in 5:51:15.
2009 winner Joe Orlando landed in fourth this year, 6:15:01 and David Stark (Velo) snatched fifth place in 6:15:10. Ohio Mountain Bike Championship reigning Masters Champion, Terry Campbell (AOA) of Zanesville proved his muster by finishing in 6:29:05.
Other awards included a custom Great Lakes Jersey for a racer who suffered from a wrong turn due to the same vandals that affected Mika's race. BikeSource of Columbus awarded a $50 gift certificate for the "Hairiest Legs at Aid Station One" combed over by Rick Diemert, aka "Sasquatch", according to his buddies, including Chris Popovic, 2007-2011 Allegheny Cycling Association President.
Full Results
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Jeff Schalk (Trek) | 6:45:37 |
2 | Michael Simonson (RBS Trek MTB Team) | 0:25:53 |
3 | Brandon Draugelis (Team CF) | 0:27:51 |
4 | Christian Tanguy (Team CF) | Row 3 - Cell 2 |
5 | Josh Tostado | 0:37:47 |
6 | John Burns (Burns Racing) | 0:41:14 |
7 | Robert Marion (American Classic/Kenda/Tomac) | 0:41:45 |
8 | Greg Kuhn (RBS MTB Team) | 0:42:01 |
9 | Stephen Dempsey (Quiring Cycles) | 0:44:59 |
10 | Morgan Olsson (GVC / Cycles de Oro) | 0:45:57 |
11 | Zack Morrey (Vapor Genie/Maxxis) | 0:52:34 |
12 | Ernesto Marenchin ( | 0:55:22 |
13 | Travis Mullen (29er crew) | 0:57:17 |
14 | Peter Schildt (Keswick Cycles) | Row 13 - Cell 2 |
15 | Ezra Mullen (DG Cycle Sports) | 0:57:28 |
16 | Chris Peariso (Adventure212 / Specialized) | 0:59:09 |
17 | Michael Naughton (Specialized) | 0:59:10 |
18 | Robert Spreng (Dirty Harry's) | 1:03:44 |
19 | Troy Barry | 1:05:27 |
20 | Guy Sutton (CalCoast) | 1:09:24 |
21 | Shawn Adams (Lake Effect) | 1:12:37 |
22 | Brian White (Honey Stinger) | 1:14:38 |
23 | Ian Spivack (DCMTB) | 1:14:40 |
24 | Theo Procopos (keswick cycles) | 1:25:49 |
25 | Leonardo Cardona (team marty's) | 1:27:17 |
26 | Dustin Manotti (Earl's Bicycle Store) | 1:27:37 |
27 | Chris Quinn | 1:28:46 |
28 | Andy Applegate (Champion Systems / Cannondale) | 1:30:32 |
29 | Ben Shaklee (Ellicottville Bike Shop) | 1:32:55 |
30 | Daniel Atkins (Adventures for the Cure) | 1:33:26 |
31 | Bradley Schmalzer (Team's NoTubes/XXC Magazine) | 1:34:39 |
32 | Adam Naish (RBS MTB Team) | 1:42:42 |
33 | Tom Kruse (Cycle Craft/Bulldogs) | 1:43:01 |
34 | Christopher Cyr ( | 1:46:41 |
35 | Charlie Storm (stormracing) | 1:48:22 |
36 | Steven Sherman (Storm Racing) | 2:01:47 |
37 | Ethan Millstein (ASU Cycling) | 2:02:48 |
38 | Tom Scott (Speed Merchants) | 2:03:13 |
39 | Ben Padilla (beverly cycles) | 2:04:57 |
40 | Andrew MiKinney | 2:10:38 |
41 | Bradley Cobb (motor mile racing/scv) | 2:13:29 |
42 | Matthew Williams (iRide Adventures/ | 2:17:08 |
43 | Nicholas Shaffer (Bikesport) | 2:18:21 |
44 | Lee Simril (Motor Mile Racing) | 2:21:52 |
45 | Dan Kotwicki (Trek 29ercrew / SRAM XX) | 2:23:14 |
46 | Bill Crank (Pedal the Planet/Commonwealth Eye Surgery) | 2:27:08 |
47 | Ryan Petry (ASU Cycling) | 2:28:18 |
48 | Billy Bergen ( | 2:32:01 |
49 | Bradley Smith (Bradley J. Smith) | 2:39:03 |
50 | Christian Baks (Pawling Cycle and Sport) | 2:40:52 |
51 | Lee Unwin (CycleOps) | 2:43:50 |
52 | Dennis R Schueler Jr ( | 2:45:24 |
53 | Mark Cole (Adventure212 / Specialized) | 2:49:06 |
54 | John Taft | 2:59:31 |
55 | Christopher Vineyard | 3:08:44 |
56 | Greg Witt (RBS Trek MTN Bike team) | 3:14:05 |
57 | Rick Doornbos (Voodoo Cycles / Billy's Bike Shop) | 3:16:15 |
58 | Joel Poliskey (Michigan State) | 3:17:29 |
59 | Michael Jarosz | 3:18:28 |
60 | Jared Medler (Morgan's Garage) | 3:21:10 |
61 | Peri Garite (Team Little P) | 3:25:42 |
62 | Rodney Reed | 3:27:21 |
63 | Donald Hosaflook (dirty harrys/Harrison hills chirpractic) | 3:31:28 |
64 | Scott Morman | 3:34:00 |
65 | Justin Mace (Motor Mile Racing) | 3:43:27 |
66 | Eric Bales (Chicken Ranch Crew) | 3:48:46 |
67 | James Billiter (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) | 3:50:17 |
68 | Jeremy Larson (Cyclist Connection) | 3:50:28 |
69 | Michael Bonsby (MBHVAC) | 4:04:38 |
70 | Steven Buday | 4:05:49 |
71 | Martin Shinsky | 4:06:51 |
72 | Charles Florek (Last Haul Before Baby) | 4:11:35 |
73 | Jeff Ayres (Keswick) | 4:11:36 |
74 | Benjamin Fellenz (revolution cycles) | 4:14:02 |
75 | Jeff Carlson (Cadre Racing) | 4:14:47 |
76 | Thomas Buday | 4:22:26 |
77 | Jeff Poirier (Team J-Tree) | 4:35:42 |
78 | Ian Parker (DMBA) | 4:48:53 |
79 | Brad Ellis (bicycles and more) | 4:52:44 |
80 | Thomas Bell | Row 79 - Cell 2 |
81 | Dennis Wilson | 4:53:56 |
82 | Colin Kimber | 4:55:11 |
83 | Brooke Bales | 5:04:15 |
84 | Matt Radke | 5:05:45 |
85 | Doug Trojan (Trojan Endurance Racing) | 5:07:12 |
86 | John Tenwalde | 5:10:18 |
87 | Andrew Riess | 5:11:57 |
88 | Aaron Campbell (Spin Bike Club) | 5:15:49 |
89 | Benjamin Farver (Argonaut Cycles) | 5:26:08 |
90 | Michael Lukowiak (Cycle Craft/Bulldogs) | 5:26:40 |
91 | James Dawson | 5:30:16 |
92 | Rob Alexander (Team Alexander) | 5:31:30 |
93 | Bob Butsch (Zephyr Wheel Sports) | 5:36:49 |
94 | Jeffrey Rodelas (Left 4 Dead) | 5:42:14 |
95 | Adam Truog (Left 4 Dead) | 5:42:15 |
96 | Nick Perrow (PAMBA) | 5:45:31 |
97 | John Kakales (Wolf River Racing) | 5:49:56 |
98 | Jim Gilmore (Team Lake Effect Cycling) | 5:56:18 |
99 | Greg Troup | 6:02:48 |
100 | Matthew Kelly | 6:03:50 |
101 | Dave Kempeinen (RACING GREYHOUNDS) | 6:15:56 |
102 | Keith Merriman (Wolf River Racing) | 6:36:12 |
103 | Bryan Batdorf (indi) | Row 102 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Andrew Lavicka (Dental Ceramics Inc) | Row 103 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Bryan Deal ( | Row 104 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeff Libby | Row 105 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David Primm (Team Nebo Ridge) | Row 106 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Larry Vena | Row 107 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matt Schumaker (Cycle Youth) | Row 108 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jamieson Giefer (Mohican Sports Medicine) | Row 109 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Colin Ridge (The Hub) | Row 110 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Stephen Cullen (Team Rump Rash) | Row 111 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Myles McPartland ( | Row 112 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mark Jackson (Just Riding Along) | Row 113 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Cameron Kohn (Healthy & Fit Magazine) | Row 114 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Randy Larrison (Cadre Racing) | Row 115 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Dennis Lessard (Aberdeen Bike) | Row 116 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Robert Lucia (RBS Cycling Team) | Row 117 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Lytle (Dept of Disappearance) | Row 118 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jody M. Mazur (Cadre Racing) | Row 119 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Christopher Michaels (American Classic) | Row 120 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Michael Miller | Row 121 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Adam Moore (Paradise Garage) | Row 122 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Peter Muench (Park Ave Bike / Specialized) | Row 123 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David Pike | Row 124 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Kevin Rider (Bicycles And More) | Row 125 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brad Rogers (Y-Not Cycling) | Row 126 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Paul Rounds | Row 127 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Howie Beattie | Row 128 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mike Schultz (Highland Training/Dirty Harrys) | Row 129 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Siple (Siple Manufacturing) | Row 130 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Garrett Sprague (Team N2O) | Row 131 - Cell 2 |
DNF | George Stefek | Row 132 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brennan Thornton (Gobrogo) | Row 133 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Aaron Timbrook | Row 134 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Maxum Tomaszewski (Unattached Rider) | Row 135 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brandon Vincent (HPC/List) | Row 136 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Keith White (Cadet Investments) | Row 137 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Joel Wilson | Row 138 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jared Zollars (Active Chiropractic) | Row 139 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Dave Chiszar | Row 140 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Scott Cole (Adventure212 / Specialized) | Row 141 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Tony Cottone (Tony No Bologna) | Row 142 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jake Davidson (C3- Athletes Serving Athletes) | Row 143 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jim Dewent (West Michigan Coast Riders) | Row 144 - Cell 2 |
DNS | David Spivey | Row 145 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Zach Trogdon (Gray Goat Cycling) | Row 146 - Cell 2 |
DNS | John Van Alsburg (Team rJr/Hometown) | Row 147 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Thomas Waniewski | Row 148 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Frank Webber (Twin Six) | Row 149 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Erick Whittier | Row 150 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Christopher Wiederhold (maumee valley wheelmen) | Row 151 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Tim Wisniewski | Row 152 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Charles Buki (Gripped Racing) | Row 153 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Peter Carney (Two Dollar Steak) | Row 154 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Cristian Adams (Rutgers University cycling team) | Row 155 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Kevin Darrah | Row 156 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Andy Glaser (Ohio State University) | Row 157 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Ian Graves | Row 158 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Cheryl Sornson (Team CF) | 8:36:03 |
2 | Brenda Simril (Motor Mile Racing) | 0:13:13 |
3 | Andrea Wilson (Outdoors) | 0:56:43 |
4 | Laureen Coffelt (Velosoul/ The Natural Way) | 1:28:07 |
5 | Molly Wolf (Wheel Werks) | 2:08:44 |
6 | Stephanie Surch (Bucks County Bike Company) | 2:26:29 |
7 | Shannon Tenwalde (Backroom Coffee Roasters) | 2:49:29 |
8 | Beth Del Genio (Ellicottville Bike Shop) | 2:51:26 |
9 | Ruth Cunningham (Pro Bikes) | 3:09:14 |
10 | Katrina Zalenski | 3:24:46 |
11 | Sandra Tomlinson (Jamis bikes) | 3:31:32 |
12 | Kelly Ayer (CAMBA) | 3:35:57 |
13 | Andrea Weiler | 4:15:23 |
14 | Heather Hawke (Shoair/Rock N Road) | 4:31:11 |
15 | Sandie Reynolds (Mason-Dixon Velo) | 4:50:05 |
16 | Lyndsay Thompson | 4:50:53 |
DNF | Michelle Dulieu (Mendon Cyclesmith) | Row 16 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Judi Lopresti ( | Row 17 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Lisa Doud (Sho-Air) | Row 18 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Diane Parks (Rock N Road Cyclery) | Row 19 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Heather Gray | Row 20 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Gerry Pflug (Salsa/NoTubes/Pro Bikes) | 7:39:30 |
2 | Matthew Ferrari (Hubcap-Freeze Thaw Cycles) | 0:12:28 |
3 | Jason Pruitt (29ercrew) | 0:25:26 |
4 | Michael Ramponi (Independent Fabrication) | 0:40:00 |
5 | Robert Lochner (Iron City Bikes) | 0:44:24 |
6 | Justin Pokrivka (Pro Bikes/Cohen & Associates) | 0:45:05 |
7 | Hal Batdorf (D and Q Racing / Lone Wolf Cycling) | 0:50:33 |
8 | Montana Miller (Speedgoat / Wilderness Voyageurs) | 0:56:32 |
9 | Robin Oscar (Motor Mile Racing) | 1:00:17 |
10 | Shane Schreihart ( | 1:02:59 |
11 | Aaron Shelmire (ProBikes/XXC Mag) | 1:13:54 |
12 | Brian Deloughy ( | 1:17:04 |
13 | Jeff Bushong (Chicken Ranch/Hodsons Bay) | 1:19:22 |
14 | Jason Suppan (SoupCanRacing) | 1:26:34 |
15 | Adam Wheeler ( | 1:30:04 |
16 | Nikolas Obriecht (Race Pace Bicycles Coop) | 1:41:30 |
17 | George Hollerbach (Newtown Bike) | 1:42:06 |
18 | Richard Long (Qualey Granite) | 1:58:38 |
19 | Eddie Velasquez (team marty's) | 2:00:34 |
20 | Gabe Rainwater | 2:11:17 |
21 | Eric Sauer (GVC/Cycles de Oro) | 2:17:33 |
22 | Dylan Johnson (Oasis Bike Works) | 2:31:12 |
23 | Bill Ostrowski (World Bicycle Relief) | 2:43:07 |
24 | Blake Bricker (Mason Dixon Velo/The Cycle Works) | 2:44:54 |
25 | Thomas Hanrahan | 2:46:51 |
26 | Lawrence Lanphere (Riverworks Design Studio) | 2:48:01 |
27 | Brian Gillies ( | 4:09:12 |
28 | James O'Loughlin (team hungry!) | 4:11:49 |
29 | Ken Kazmierczak (Ellicottville Bike Shop) | 4:20:17 |
DNF | Brad Keyes (CarboRocket) | Row 29 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Donald Powers (Pro Bikes / Twin Six) | Row 30 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Joseph Queen (Moots/Swiftwick/Yazoo) | Row 31 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Christopher Warren | Row 32 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brian Bratney (Racing Greyhounds) | Row 33 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brett Wyckoff (Saucon Valley Bikes/ Magic Hat Racing) | Row 34 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Nathan Annon (Dynamic Physical Therapy Cycling/Cannondale) | Row 35 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Dave Hall | Row 36 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Greg Mercer | Row 37 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jake Scott (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | Row 38 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Christopher Cronin (War Axe Bicycles/Monkey Wrench) | Row 39 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Corey Hendrickson | Row 40 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Robert Herriman (Trek 29er Crew/WSC/ | 7:57:53 |
2 | Roger Masse (Trek 29er Crew) | 0:01:06 |
3 | Chris Irving (Red Ant Racing) | 1:27:33 |
4 | David Grauer (orthopro) | 1:36:33 |
5 | Paul Vankooten (Motor Mile / SCV) | 1:38:50 |
6 | Keith Clark | 2:00:51 |
7 | David Bell (CAMBr) | 2:07:42 |
8 | John Wyrick (Team Brad / Biowheels) | 2:16:59 |
9 | Michael Coyne (Berkshire NEMBA) | 2:37:23 |
10 | Stephen Lebovitz (Motor Mile Racing) | 2:40:54 |
11 | Will Botens (RBS cycling team) | 3:34:48 |
12 | Matthew Davies (Team Bikeway MTB) | 3:45:38 |
13 | Jon Mullen | 3:45:54 |
14 | Bill Holden | 3:47:24 |
15 | Mark Jones (Orrville Cycling Club) | 3:50:49 |
16 | Tim Morgan (morgans garage) | 3:57:06 |
17 | Mike Howard (PAMBA/Bushwhackers) | 3:59:40 |
18 | Joseph Monga (team marty's) | 4:02:34 |
19 | Martin Ruhl (Hodson's Bay/Shamrock Cycles) | 4:05:39 |
20 | Michael Dietlin (Kenda Tires/White Brothers) | 4:13:29 |
21 | Christian Echavarria (OneSpeedForever) | 4:49:38 |
DNF | Daniel Gowing | Row 21 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Doug Andrews ( | Row 22 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jay Jones (Cycletherapy/Specialized) | Row 23 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Gary Sprague (Team N2O) | Row 24 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Tim Weaver (Mason-Dixon Velo/The Cycle Works) | Row 25 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Fraser Cunningham (Zephyr Wheel Sports) | Row 26 - Cell 2 |
DNS | R.b. McWhorter (Project M) | Row 27 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jeff Surnow (Wolverine racing) | Row 28 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Morris Wheeler (Shaker Cycling) | Row 29 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Bob Grace (PAMBA) | Row 30 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Todd Henne | Row 31 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Brian Schworm (Pedal Power) | 4:55:57 |
2 | Ross Clark (Edge Outdoors) | 0:01:01 |
3 | Tim Carson | 0:01:57 |
4 | Chip Meek (spin bike shop/dieringer frames) | 0:28:03 |
5 | James Mayuric (Dirty Harry's) | 0:31:46 |
6 | Tim Mould (Team CF/ Pro Bikes) | Row 5 - Cell 2 |
7 | Tom Franek (The Edge Outdoor) | 0:35:29 |
8 | Greg Jackson (Spin Bike Shop) | 0:40:06 |
9 | Jeff Rupnow | 0:42:28 |
10 | Jon Clous (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 0:46:49 |
11 | Todd Bolgrin (Team Lake Effect) | 0:52:54 |
12 | Steve Twining (Groovy Cycleworks) | 0:53:54 |
13 | Dave Tingley (Trek/Backroom Coffee) | 0:55:03 |
14 | Theodore Rauh (Chamios Butt'r/IDUTRI) | 0:55:26 |
15 | John Proppe (Lake Effect Racing) | 0:55:50 |
16 | Peter Baughman (lake effect) | 0:56:06 |
17 | John Willse (Spin/Second Sole Multisport) | 0:56:33 |
18 | Dirk Kostoff (Trek bicycles of columbus OH) | 0:57:40 |
19 | Jon Stang (Liberty Bicycles) | 1:07:09 |
20 | Wes Jones (SoupCanRacing) | 1:07:42 |
21 | Mike Plank (spin) | 1:08:45 |
22 | Brian Collier (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) | 1:10:51 |
23 | Eric Hamann (Trek Ohio Valley) | 1:11:03 |
24 | Joseph Pallotto (Bike Authority) | 1:11:26 |
25 | Matt Fox (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) | 1:14:42 |
26 | Jared Zabrosky (Lake Effect / Bike Authority) | 1:15:13 |
27 | Mark Ames (World Of Pain / Breakaway Cycling) | 1:17:07 |
28 | Greg Fasig (ZWS / Cyclesport & Tri) | 1:20:02 |
29 | Edward Brzezinski | 1:23:55 |
30 | Peter Dy | 1:24:04 |
31 | Jason Fischer | 1:31:13 |
32 | Nathaniel Veselenak Veselenak (Snakebite Racing) | 1:31:27 |
33 | Gregg Brekke (Team Spin) | 1:32:17 |
34 | Jake Walters (Stark Velo) | 1:33:03 |
35 | Rick Parr (Stark Velo) | 1:33:20 |
36 | Ryan Knopf (Team Soupcan) | 1:34:20 |
37 | Brad Beeson (Spin Bike Shop) | 1:34:53 |
38 | Sam Ruff (Team Nebo ridge) | 1:36:04 |
39 | Louis Grkman | 1:37:20 |
40 | Ryan Wayne (IDUTRI) | 1:37:24 |
41 | Matthew Culp | 1:38:01 |
42 | Robert Goetz (Nebo Ridge) | 1:39:27 |
43 | Ben Playfoot (MeMyselfAndI) | 1:40:36 |
44 | Pete Deucher (Marian University) | 1:42:53 |
45 | Matt Rouse | 1:44:10 |
46 | Patrick Miranda (Mirco Racing) | 1:45:17 |
47 | Jarom Thomas | 1:45:47 |
48 | Jeff Schoeny (Fuji cycling) | 1:48:56 |
49 | Mark Farmer (Team SixOneFour) | 1:51:04 |
50 | Dave Placke (Rogue Racing Project) | 1:51:13 |
51 | Andrew Millard (ZWS/CycleSport) | 1:58:11 |
52 | Kenny Gardner (UC Cycling Team) | 1:58:34 |
53 | Jordan Bates | 2:00:46 |
54 | Eric Baetens | 2:02:34 |
55 | Keefe Jaten | 2:03:29 |
56 | Dan Pike | 2:04:28 |
57 | Bruce Macdonald (Spin/Second Sole) | 2:05:08 |
58 | Matthew Holloway (Sargent Electric Koeles Cycling Club) | 2:05:40 |
59 | John Pimenidis | 2:06:04 |
60 | Matt Holloway (Team CF) | 2:08:08 |
61 | Michael Henry | 2:09:16 |
62 | Peter Hills (Fuji Cycling) | 2:10:37 |
63 | Paul Remonko (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 2:13:15 |
64 | Aaron Kovach (HBI Cycling / LHORBA) | 2:13:54 |
65 | Ben Trimble | 2:14:38 |
66 | Randy Slaubaugh (Ride On Wooster) | 2:15:23 |
67 | Keith Devore (Buckeye Cycling) | 2:16:45 |
68 | Anthony R. Davila (SSSMST) | 2:18:43 |
69 | Matt Mullet | 2:19:15 |
70 | Paul Donatelli (Stark Velo) | 2:19:27 |
71 | Michael Gottfried | 2:19:28 |
72 | Scott Jasinski (Illini Cycling) | 2:20:24 |
73 | Joe Lautzenheiser (Orrville Cycling Club) | 2:20:46 |
74 | Todd Devore (na) | 2:23:28 |
75 | Jason Burlage | 2:24:16 |
76 | Lee Ransdell | 2:27:11 |
77 | Kevan Millstein (Ethan Ass Kickers) | 2:27:17 |
78 | Christopher Huck (Orrville Cycling Club) | 2:28:38 |
79 | Johnny Hoffman (Spin / RR Donnelley) | 2:31:43 |
80 | Grant Matthews (Stage 5 Cycling Fusion) | 2:35:36 |
81 | David Ruller (city of kent) | 2:35:51 |
82 | Martin Sanders (CNC) | 2:39:34 |
83 | Aaron Kent (Dirty Sanchez) | Row 82 - Cell 2 |
84 | Aaron Schicker | 2:40:16 |
85 | Scott Dean ('Ride the Elephant') | 2:41:18 |
86 | Nick Disalle | 2:41:20 |
87 | Jeff Plassman | 2:44:05 |
88 | Ben Corcetti (HBI) | 2:46:28 |
89 | Eric Schumann | 2:48:12 |
90 | Randy Patton (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 2:52:52 |
91 | Kyle Russ | Row 90 - Cell 2 |
92 | Jeffery Vogt (1.21 Gigawatts) | 2:53:25 |
93 | Chris Popovic (Sewickley Cycling) | 2:54:11 |
94 | Scot Herrmann (Fuji Cycling) | 2:54:48 |
95 | Jason Linscott (Luigi's Bike Shop/TriVerb Racing) | 2:56:09 |
96 | Matt Reininger (Indiana Schwinn) | 2:56:18 |
97 | Nathan Eastlake | 2:56:23 |
98 | Mark Sanders | 2:58:41 |
99 | Kirk Allgood | 2:59:10 |
100 | Bruce Miner (The Wheelcraft) | 3:00:27 |
101 | Jeff Frasz | 3:00:48 |
102 | Scott Jaenke | 3:02:11 |
103 | Mark Hepp | 3:02:18 |
104 | Tim Birt | 3:05:51 |
105 | Jim D'Antonio | 3:07:52 |
106 | Evan Clark (Rogue Racing Project) | 3:11:09 |
107 | Todd Turner | 3:12:32 |
108 | James Simonson (Team Nebo Ridge) | 3:16:59 |
109 | Patrick Lach (Cyclesport/Zephyr Wheel Sport) | 3:17:46 |
110 | Guy Colegrove (RBS Cycling Team) | 3:17:50 |
111 | Kevin Sitler | 3:21:03 |
112 | Glen Gardner (Team 614) | 3:21:52 |
113 | Tom Lining (LUV2MTB) | 3:21:57 |
114 | Michael Campana (CAMBA) | 3:23:16 |
115 | Mike Devylder | 3:24:58 |
116 | Kurt Rubeck (toulonoconnor racing) | 3:28:32 |
117 | Martin Zakes (The Edge Outdoors) | 3:29:42 |
118 | Hank Ingram (Team Sewickley) | 3:31:37 |
119 | Matt Bruns | 3:34:57 |
120 | Russ Meyer (Studio S Cincinnati) | 3:43:27 |
121 | Nicolas Trujillo (Tru-Hammer) | 3:51:05 |
122 | Adam Elser | 3:57:00 |
123 | Rob Tandy | 4:03:00 |
124 | Joe Williamson (Kissena) | 4:09:14 |
125 | Randy Tegowski ( | 4:18:45 |
126 | Mike Janeiro | 4:19:34 |
127 | Mark Colangelo | 4:19:50 |
128 | Paul Hamad (Mountain Road Cycles) | 4:26:13 |
129 | Philip Hurst (UC Cycling Team) | 4:29:45 |
130 | Boris Yanovsky | 4:34:01 |
131 | Russ Musolf | 4:34:02 |
132 | Kevin Kovach | 4:36:08 |
133 | Mitch Gay (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 4:41:50 |
134 | Jamie Williamson (Team Hungry!) | 4:42:11 |
135 | Todd King (Dirtbagz) | 4:42:50 |
136 | Brody Wakefield (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 4:43:57 |
137 | Colin Derhammer (Tru-Hammer) | 4:44:10 |
138 | Thomas Morris | 4:45:52 |
139 | Jason Shoulders | 4:49:16 |
140 | Kennard Wonnacott | 4:58:56 |
141 | Tyler Lach (Cyclesport/Zephyr Wheel Sport) | 5:02:59 |
142 | Mark Macnaughton | 5:05:29 |
143 | Paul Adams | 5:05:49 |
145 | Michael Frey | 5:13:42 |
146 | Peter Joyal | 5:18:40 |
148 | Mike Steele (ICC) | 5:41:47 |
149 | Gary Dean | 6:06:14 |
150 | Gregg Somerhalder ( | 6:12:59 |
151 | Jeffrey Schneider (Me) | 6:22:45 |
152 | Aaron Brlas | 6:33:08 |
153 | Blair Combs | 6:55:43 |
DNF | Trent Lundberg (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | Row 151 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Adam Noderer (Team Hungry) | Row 152 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeff Rice (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | Row 153 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Tom Decker (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | Row 154 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Nathan Kohring | Row 155 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Craig Alexander (Team Dayton Bicycling Fuji Cycling) | Row 156 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Larry Ayer (CAMBA) | Row 157 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Peter Bechard (Team Southland) | Row 158 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Joe Bellante (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) | Row 159 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Andrew Brown (MTB-Life.Com) | Row 160 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Gary Burkholder (SnakeBite Racing) | Row 161 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Craig Byers (Team Craig) | Row 162 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Andrew Cover (Cyclesport & Tri / ZWS) | Row 163 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Nate Cross (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) | Row 164 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brett Davis (Team Spin/RR Donnelly) | Row 165 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Sean Grady | Row 166 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Sean Huber | Row 167 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Leaman | Row 168 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Scott Lyle (ZWS/Cycle Sport) | Row 169 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Kelly Maszk | Row 170 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ian Mullins (Team Stanley) | Row 171 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matt Roung (Centerline) | Row 172 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Geoffrey Shmidt | Row 173 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Tim Snyder | Row 174 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Kirby Waaland | Row 175 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Shannon Williams (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | Row 176 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Kevin Gerstenslager | Row 177 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Joe Donahue | Row 178 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ron Uprichard (Team Southland) | Row 179 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David McDaniel | Row 180 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mike Hufhand (Matthews) | Row 181 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Shawn Demarest (Team Zeitgeist) | Row 182 - Cell 2 |
144 | Tim Tovar | 10:06:08 |
147 | Fritz Prior (Gem of the Highlands) | 10:37:43 |
DNS | Victor Allen (Wheels on Fire) | Row 185 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Joe Cambron | Row 186 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Adam Covington | Row 187 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Nick Dunn (Bishop's Bicycles / The ZO Mafia) | Row 188 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Nace Farwick (seven hills) | Row 189 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Matthew Groom (Sargent Electric Koeles Cycling) | Row 190 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Brian Hazelwood (Dit Bagz) | Row 191 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jonathan Kaye | Row 192 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Allen Loy (Honda) | Row 193 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jim Mermis | Row 194 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Gary Powers | Row 195 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Craig Rader (ACA/FREDDIE FU) | Row 196 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Michelle Peariso (Adventure212 / Specialized) | 6:17:27 |
2 | Heidi Shilling (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 0:12:55 |
3 | Amanda Virostko (Shamrock/Biowheels) | 0:27:23 |
4 | Sherry Downing (Team Kenda) | 0:35:09 |
5 | Bridget Donovan (Trek Store Cincinnati / Hammer Nutrition / CEP) | 0:40:51 |
6 | Lauren Mika (Pro Bikes) | 1:03:33 |
7 | Emily Terlop (the bicycle hub) | 1:04:58 |
8 | Samantha Brode (house) (Carbon Racing) | 1:08:42 |
9 | Lorena Brown | 1:42:35 |
10 | Nichole Baker (Wheels In Motion) | 2:32:14 |
11 | Michelle Corcetti (HBI) | 2:46:23 |
12 | Linda Miranda (Mirco Racing) | 3:29:50 |
13 | Kelsey Spalding (Sewickley Cycles) | 4:05:45 |
14 | Anne McDonald (Team Hungry) | 4:32:25 |
15 | Karla Westphal | 4:47:36 |
16 | Amy Fletcher ('Ride the Elephant') | 4:50:22 |
17 | Christine Jones (Mid-Carolina Multisport) | Row 16 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Janet Edwards (Team Lake Effect) | Row 17 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Stephanie Frangakis | Row 18 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Sara Harper (Snakebite Racing) | Row 19 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeni Roosen (UBS / Seven Hills) | Row 20 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Deborah Snyder | Row 21 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Kari Sheanshang | Row 22 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | John Lorson (SoupCanRacing) | 5:41:41 |
2 | Jay Blews (HBI Racing) | 0:13:20 |
3 | Shawn Jones (SoupCanRacing) | 0:26:02 |
4 | Michael Gorman (Orrville Cycling Club) | 0:33:51 |
5 | Kristofer Karwisch (BioWheels/Reece-Campbell Racing) | 0:38:58 |
6 | Brandon Halleen (Solon Bicycle/HODALA!) | 0:47:39 |
7 | Nick Chenowith (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 1:26:26 |
8 | Gerland Hocke (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 1:32:39 |
9 | Julie Lewis Sroka (Lake Effect Racing) | 1:34:06 |
10 | Andrew Norris (EVMA) | 1:35:30 |
11 | Justin Smead | 1:36:50 |
12 | Andy Ward (University of Cincinnati Cycling Team) | 1:38:42 |
13 | Patrick Conneely (Pro Graphics Cycling) | 1:48:57 |
14 | Brent Forrer (HMT/Black13/Solon Bicycle) | 1:57:46 |
15 | Stuart Hunter (COMBO Race Team / Whole Foods / Roll) | 2:04:51 |
16 | Don Bill (Fuji Cycling) | 2:38:12 |
17 | Rob Smith (Movin for Mallory) | 3:09:37 |
18 | Nathan Grubbs (University of Cincinnati) | 3:16:10 |
19 | Matthew Cunningham (Trek Store Cincinnati) | 3:18:46 |
20 | Eric Gadlage (Adventures Recreation & Gear) | 3:41:41 |
DNF | Russell Johnson | 1:05:18 |
DNF | Orville (ed) Husted ( | Row 21 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Bryan King | Row 22 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Rudy Sroka (Lake Effect Racing) | 5:41:02 |
2 | Mark Virello | 0:06:43 |
3 | Jack Kline (Einstein Racing) | 0:10:13 |
4 | Joe Orlando | 0:33:59 |
5 | David Jolin (Stark Velo) | 0:34:08 |
6 | Terry Campbell (AOA) | 0:48:03 |
7 | Jeff Doerr | 1:04:01 |
8 | Jim Core (Hardcore Racing) | 1:05:26 |
9 | Dan Lach (Cyclesport/Zephyr Wheel Sport) | 1:19:22 |
10 | Scott Gross (Open Road Bicycles) | 1:23:26 |
11 | Scott Holquist (Paint Creek Cycles) | 1:36:47 |
12 | Steve Schumaker | 1:39:05 |
13 | Kevin Sparks | 1:39:24 |
14 | Gregory Worsnop (Kalamazoo Nordic) | 1:44:38 |
15 | Ray Chester (edge outdoor) | 1:46:08 |
16 | Mike Lawler (Team PACC) | 1:52:03 |
17 | Thomas Shively | 2:12:17 |
18 | Daniel Ward (Raysmtb) | 2:15:30 |
19 | Joe Merry (orrville cycling) | 2:17:57 |
20 | Michael Jarosick | 2:18:50 |
21 | Tim Bonifant (orrville cycling) | 2:34:40 |
22 | Tim Shepherd (Velocity) | 3:08:27 |
23 | John Barney | 3:10:19 |
24 | Steve Yarman | 3:35:16 |
25 | Bill Combs | 4:08:40 |
26 | Eddy Clark (Powered By Freedom) | 4:10:00 |
27 | Rick Diemert | 4:11:30 |
28 | Michael Montalbano (Team Dayton / Fuji) | 4:18:46 |
29 | Ronald Jandrokovic | 4:20:13 |
30 | Vincent Heck | 4:20:26 |
31 | Robert Grosse | 4:31:37 |
32 | Andrew Combs | 6:10:41 |
DNF | Greg Andersen (American) | Row 32 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Charles Miller (BioWheels - Reese Campbell Racing) | Row 33 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Dan Mock | Row 34 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Dale Shirer (NCMB) | Row 35 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mark Singleton | Row 36 - Cell 2 |
DNF | John Mumaw | Row 37 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Art Fleming (RBS Cycling Team) | Row 38 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Gary Kimpel (North Coast MTB) | Row 39 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Stephen Casey (Powered By Freedom) | Row 40 - Cell 2 |
DNS | David C Genter (Mott The Hoople) | Row 41 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Bradford Herder (Berkshire NEMBA) | Row 42 - Cell 2 |
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