Schalk upsets Tostado in Breckenridge 100
Kirkland makes it two wins in a row
For six straight years, local strongman Josh Tostado (Santa Cruz/Shimano) has maintained a firm grip on the podium of a race that has become his personal training ground since its inception in 2005.
Tostado, who resides at 10,500 feet in nearby Alma, was competing for an incredible seventh straight win, an attempt reminiscent of Lance Armstrong's seven-year hold on the Tour de France. However, unlike the Tour de France or the popular Leadville 100, both won by Armstrong, the Breckenridge 100 is perhaps, even more difficult, with its large percentage of, often, technical singletrack, including sections of slick, steep, root covered rocky sections, stream crossings, several passes over the continental divide plus three snowpack crossings, lingering remnants of the record snowfall this year.
In 2010, Kenda NUE Series National Champion, Jeff Schalk (Trek) made his second attempt at the Breckenridge title without success, thanks, in part, to two flat tires along Wheeler Pass on loop one that set him back by just over 19 minutes behind the seemingly undefeatable local champion.
In 2011 however, the now three-time reigning national champion had returned, along with a fresh new strategy following his record setting win at the Mohican 100 in June. Both contenders would face the leading series contender Christian Tanguy (Team CF), who has won three of the last five NUE Series races, including the most recent Lumberjack 100 in Michigan.
According to Tostado who finished second, breaking his own course record at 8:13:50, "I was battling with Jeff and Kelly Magelky (Honey Stinger/Trek) on the first two loops and Jeff was having an incredible day, just hammering it out on every single climb and pinning it on the downhills. I was feeling great too, definitely the best I've felt all year."
"He and I both broke the previous course record so we both had a great race. Kelly was with us until about halfway through the second loop, about 50 miles, and then I think he was having some chain suck issues before he dropped off. Then it was me and Jeff for the remainder of the race. "
On the climb up Indian in the last stretch up to Boreas Pass, Tostado was doing my best to stay with Schalk, but the later took off and gapped him. Tostado regained some time on the Gold Dust trail descent.
"He was too much today. It was super fun to be out there with Jeff battling, and, to me, that is what this is all about, racing guys like Jeff, the top of the top. It's great that the NUE Series has branched out to the west coast more."
Still in contention for the NUE title, Tostado's next stop will be the High Cascades 100 in Bend, Oregon next Saturday followed by the Pierre's Hole 100 in Alta, Wyoming and the Park City P2P in Park City, Utah.
The first ever "non-Tostado" winner Schalk, who set the bar higher at 8:08:53, had this to say, "I really didn't think I was going to win today. It was more will than anything. I acclimated to Boulder, Colorado, about half the elevation as here, but I had shallow breathing and a stitch in my side the whole time. I hadn't intended to go so hard on the first climb but Kelly Megelky of Golden, Colorado was pushing the pace and he's been doing really good this year, better than I've ever seen him, so I figured I had better stay with him."
The past two years, Schalk had attacked Tostado early, but it didn't work and he'd fall apart at six hours. "My plan today was to shadow Josh and also, since I am not fully acclimated up here, my main plan was to stay seated as much as possible to conserve oxygen and energy. I never did hard attacks, I never stood, I was never as much of an instigator, at least I didn't think so. I did push the pace on climbs but it wasn't like an all-out attack going for the win. It was more like, just put a little pressure on, stay seated, try and feel good and see what happens."
Schalk complimented Tostado. "I don't think I have ever had to work so hard to get a win in the NUE Series. I think this is my 15th win in NUE and by far, I've never worked or suffered as much as I did here and that is what it took to beat Josh."
Schalk made his move 50 miles in, with just 10 miles to go in the second loop. Cramps resulted, but both parties were hurting and backed off. Cloud cover and light rain also helped ease the perceived effort.
"I rode side by side with Josh for six hours," said Schal, "and we're both dead silent and listening to each other, looking for weaknesses."
"When I was cramping, I thought it was over but I was also able to detect that Josh was standing a bit. He looked a little uncomfortable, his breathing didn't sound super great so I thought well maybe I have a shot. When I caught up with him and we were going up to Boreas Pass the first time, I wasn't really trying to put him down, I was just trying to put a little pressure on him to see if he would get tired."
Schalk applied the pressure on a gravel climb coming out of Como, knowing that he often climbs better while Tostado descends better. Until then, Schalk said he didn't think he had a shot at the win.
Schalk's next race will be the Wilderness 101 where he will, again, face series leader, Christian Tanguy and, according to Schalk, perhaps former NUE contender Jeremiah Bishop and two other road professionals who may show up for the event.
Leading the NUE Series with three wins and placing third in the race at 8:24:38, Christian Tanguy shared his experience, "Early in the race, on the dirt road up to Peak 9, Kelly Magelky put the hammer down and after about three quarters of the climb, I said no, I can't hold this for 100 miles. I lingered maybe 50 yards behind."
"What really got me was the hike a bike (referring to the three snowpack crossings leading up to Wheeler Pass). Each time I lost 50 yards, especially the last one. I came to a complete stop. I didn't know how to push the bike or carry the bike, it was very steep. I lost a tremendous amount of time."
Tanguy was aiming to keep up with the leaders before a long paved path where he'd lose ground if alone. It didn't work out though and he decided to save some energy for a steep climb.
"In the middle of loop two, I started feeling better and began going faster. I was looking at the scenery and, perhaps, not thinking so much about the pain," said Tanguy.
"Finishing just 11 minutes behind Josh in my first attempt, I was pleased with my time. I had a great day and my bike worked excellent," said Tanguy.
Jesse Jakomait finished third, 8:51:17, and Kelly Magelky held on for fourth, just over four minutes behind Jakomait.
Many women participated in this year's race, mostly in the B-68 and B-32 options. Only a handful attempted what race director, Thane Wright, refers to as the "whole enchilada".
Among the 100 milers, Jari (pronounced Yar-EE) Kirkland, Alpine Orthopaedics, from Crested Butte, Colrado, captured her second straight win, finishing in just 10:31:36. Kirkland had this to say about her victory, "I don't necessarily know the competition but I came here to improve my time from last year. I definitely did not feel too great on the first two loops and it was just like, stick it out, stick it out, Jari, stick it out. You came here to ride one hundred miles.
She started feeling good around mile 80 and knew then that no one would pass her. "At the start, there were just guys around me, and I didn't know whether there was a girl out front until I came in from the first loop and heard the announcer say, 'This is Jari, she is our leader!' and I was like, sweet."
She rode with three or four other guys which helped her keep her pace high. "I didn't know how close the next girl was then but it was like, she's not passing me, that's it! I looked over my shoulder a few times just to see, like, do I need to pick it up? But I didn't see anyone back there."
When asked whether she had acclimated, Kirkland responded, "I lived in Breckenridge for five years but I've been living in Crested Butte for the last seven at 9,000 feet. The first time I rode Wheeler trail was last year but this year, I knew what to expect."
When asked whether she had competed in any other NUE races, Kirkland replied, "No, but I did an Ironman a couple weeks ago in Idaho so I've been spending more time on my road bike. I've only done three mountain bike races this year, however, I would love to do more NUE races and compete with women like Amanda Carey and Cheryl Sornson. The problem with me is that I didn't start riding my mountain bike until May because we had so much snow at Crested Butte. You couldn't even ride on the road, it was like we got more snow in April than February or March. Endurance is definitely my forte, more so than a two hour race."
Kirkland spoke highly of the Breck 100. "I think this is an amazing race. People talk about 100 miles and Leadville but, in my opinion, and I've ridden the Leadville course, I think this race is the best 100-mile race you could possibly do because Leadville is all road but Breckenridge is like, 75 percent singletrack. It's so much more interesting, more fun, and harder, but I like that so much more."
Melissa Trainer (Trek Bicycle Store) from Boulder, Colorado, finished second in 11:45:39. "This was my first Breck 100. The course was epic, challenging, beautiful, yet kept my interest as I looked forward to each loop. I picked flowers at the top of Wheeler Pass and enjoyed the beauty while trudging through the snow drifts and looked forward to the downhill ahead. Well, I hit two trees, one of which tore my new glove to shreds and my chamois butter failed me after 10 hours, sore bum today.
"I was with Jari until we crossed the start line. I was with her, actually had my sights on her up the road to the top of Wheeler Pass then progressively I was told 'she's 15 minutes ahead of you, she's 30 minutes ahead of you, she's an hour ahead of you....' At that point I just kept pedaling on."
When asked whether she planned to compete in any of the upcoming NUE races, Trainer replied, "I haven't planned any races yet for this year, but will definitely race as many as I can in the future, and thank everyone for putting on an amazing race."
Mark Thompson (Wilderness Sports/Specialized/Big Wheel Racing) of Breckenridge rocked the course for the third straight year, the only singlespeed racer to break the 10-hour barrier at 9:54:00. "I felt pretty good on the first climb to Wheeler this morning although I haven't had a great year of racing or training. I got a new job and it takes a lot of commitment. I'm a district court judge here which is a handful. I struggled a little later in the day with some GI distress which is always tough in these 100 mile races."
When asked how he got through it, Thompson replied, "You know, I just basically ignored it, just set my mind to the task at hand. I really wanted to win three in a row. I thought it would be a neat streak and a good accomplishment. I just decided that I wouldn't let it slow me down to the extent that I could."
When asked about the NUE Series reigning champion, Gerry Pflug, (Salsa/NoTubes/ProBikes) who has won the first five series races but placed seventh at Breckenridge, Thompson said, "I saw Gerry at the start line this morning. He and I talk every year at this race and he said Geez, the altitude kills me every year at this race but I'm gonna keep comin' back. I almost didn't come back this year, but I had to come back and give it another shot. He's a fighter!"
Thompson called this Breck Epic the hardest of the seven.
"I'd like to try to do but haven't been able to sort it out for this year but it's been kind of in the back of mind that I would like to go out and try some of the earlier ones in the season," said Thompson. "I think it would be very different races, a lot more power, smaller gearing, taller gears so to speak, and a lot different courses. It would be a real change for me because, obviously, the altitude treats me real well.
Michael Scott, (Trek Bicycle Store) from Denver placed second in what was a close race between second and third, 10:03:07. "It was good, my first time in the Breck 100. I started out a little slow, kind of pacin' it. My Garmin wasn't working so I was just going off feel, which is kind of new for me. Thompson was gone, but Jeff Carter, who ultimately placed third, was in front of me on top of Wheeler Pass and then I passed him on the downhill and didn't see any other single speeders until the end of the race."
When asked what was most difficult, Scott said, "For me it was by Como, there was a section that was really rocky but kind of flat, like a power section and I was pretty tired. The push over that was pretty tough. Usually, we all want singletrack but by then I had had my fill of singletrack and was looking for some open road. (laughter) I wanted a dirt road and a railroad grade that I could just spin up." Scott is planning to compete in the upcoming Leadville 100 and the Vapor Trail 125 among other local races.
Jeff Carter, ( of Denver finished third, 10:06:41. "Willas wheels is a charity that raises money to improve access to care for Colorado children with cancer," he said. "I had a great day today, it was my third try at this race and I've always sort of folded on the last lap. I played it smart but a lot of people duke it out and try to climb a lot of steep hills. I'm really happy. It was one of my best days as a cyclist."
Masters 50+
After an impressive win early in the season at the Cohutta 100 in Tennessee, Doug Andrews, ( of Mission Viejo, California and a former student of Ambassador University makes it two this year with a big win in the high mountains of Breckenridge. Andrews was the only Masters racer to come in under 10 hours: 9:50:07.
Last year, Andrews, in his first race at Breckenridge placed 8th overall. This year, Andrews, now 50 years old, continues to astound the youngsters maintaining his eighth overall position and, with this win, becomes a serious contender in the NUE for reigning champion, Robert Herriman.
"The first climb was great, I felt really good, I could see the leaders and was in 7th place when we hit the snow at the top of Wheeler Pass. I was probably over tentative and had a lot of people pass me, slipping to maybe 12th down Wheeler. It's pretty steep, and pretty tough, ya know."
"Once we hit peaks trail it was a little flatter, maybe a twelve percent grade. After the first loop, I was in first place in 50-59 but had slipped to maybe 25th place overall and had a lot of ground to make up. I learned a lot from last year, acclimated, got here early and ate a little bit differently than I usually do or had in the past."
Later he moved into 10th place overall. Andrews is planning to compete next Saturday in the High Cascades 100 and Pierre's Hole 100 at Grand Targhee in a bid to obtain four wins which could set up a showdown at Shenandoah in Virginia with Herriman or Roger Masse, both major contenders in the Masters division from the east.
"We're having a good rivalry with the three of us and maybe there will be a fourth guy, I don't know. The NUE Series is fantastic and definitely a motivator to get out there and try to complete four races."
Taking second place in the Masters was NUE Series contender, David Grauer (Orthopro) who completed the course in 11:16:21. "It went well, I felt pretty good. I think the weather was really favorable. The cloud cover really helped with the heat and I didn't get to wet. I had fun."
"There were three of us riding together during the first loop. I think it was in the first third of loop two that we separated in a hot, rocky section called Little French Creek. I rode most of it, walked some of it but you can ride it, certainly, more easily if you haven't already ridden 40 miles."
Grauer has also completed both Cohutta and Mohican and is planning to ride in the upcoming Pierre's Hole 100 and the Park City Point to Point. He said, "I think this is my fourth year participating in the series and I definitely enjoy it."
Finishing third was Dean Cahow (Team Evergreen Racing) from Evergreen, Colorado, who finished 11:39:26. "This was my first time at this race so my game plan was a little conservative. I didn't want to blow up and didn't know quite what I was getting myself into but overall, it went well."
"The long climbs, of course, were demanding but toughest part really is the latter half of the race when you're riding the technical stuff. Even the descending just pounds you and that's really, really hard. (laughing) I was actually wishing that we would start climbing again because I was getting so beat up on the descents. And I was riding a full suspension bike!"
When asked about other races, Cahow stated that he didn't really have any goals but had finished the Leadville 100 sixteen times. He claimed that his best time was 9:07 including a couple of top ten's in his age group."
Youngest finisher
The youngest finisher of the Breck 68 mile race was 15-year-old Cameron Hooyer, (Surge Cycling) from Cottonwood Heights, Utah, 9:35:43. According to his father, Mark Hooyer, who finished just 10 minutes behind his son following a mechanical issue, Cameron originally registered for the B-32 but decided to compete in the B-68 following approval by race officials. This was his longest race ever and first at Breckenridge.
According to Cameron, "It went good, I did better than I expected. I expected to not be able to finish but I found it in me somewhere to just stick it out. My feet got wet in the stream crossings and I crashed twice but don't remember where it happened. I clipped my handlebar on some tight trees at one point and tipped it over on loop one and loop two (chuckling)." When asked what was most difficult for the young racer, Hooyer replied, "The last stretch going up to Boreas Pass and the road going up that seems like forever. Gibson hill was pretty tough too. I didn't expect it to be so steep and it was right at the end of the first loop."
When asked whether he planned to do any other races, Hooyer said, "I actually do cyclo-cross in Utah in the fall and I say everything else is training for that but I'm really starting to like mountain biking." Cameron stated following his success at Breck that he may enter the Park City Point to Point.
Next, the NUE Series head for the High Cascades of Bend, Oregon for the HC100. Stay tuned for a race preview and highlights.
Full Results for 100-miler
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Jeff Schalk (Trek) | 8:08:53 |
2 | Josh Tostado (santacruz/shiman/max) | 0:04:57 |
3 | Christian Tanguy (Team CF) | 0:15:45 |
4 | Jesse Jakomait (SRAM / Bandwagon Rac) | 0:42:24 |
5 | Kelly Magelky (Honey Stinger/Trek/B) | 0:45:39 |
6 | Ezekiel Hersh | 1:01:11 |
7 | Amar Mannina (Rocky Mounts/Izze) | 1:28:34 |
8 | Zach Guy | 1:30:03 |
9 | Jerry Oliver (Kind Bikes) | 1:30:52 |
10 | Chad Harris (Racer's Cycle Servic) | 1:53:38 |
11 | Thomas Spannring | 2:00:22 |
12 | Theodore Fleming (Team Hotel San Jose ) | 2:15:06 |
13 | Daniel Munoz (Cyclery USA) | 2:28:18 |
14 | John Burns (Burns Racing) | 3:13:54 |
15 | Jeff Dickey (Scott RC Mountain Bi) | 3:14:03 |
DNF | Stewart Gross (Alpine Orthopedics) | Row 15 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Chris Baddick (Epic Endurance Cycli) | Row 16 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Samuel Morrison (Epic Endurance) | Row 17 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Bernie Romero | Row 18 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Doug Johnson (Bandwagon Racing) | Row 19 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Nick Truitt (Yeti/Jett Pro XC) | Row 20 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Garth Prosser (Cannondale Factory) | Row 21 - Cell 2 |
DSQ | Troy Barry (Hammer Nutrition) | Row 22 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Jari Kirkland (alpine orthopaedics) | 10:31:36 |
2 | Melissa Trainer (Trek Bicycle Store L) | 1:14:04 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Thomas Hraha (Drop It Like It's Ho) | 10:29:48 |
2 | Robert Umland (Phoenix Cyclery) | 0:41:35 |
3 | Anthony Arena | 2:14:24 |
4 | Benjamin Farver (Argonaut Cycles) | 2:28:59 |
DNS | John Hatch (New Rhythm Designs) | Row 4 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Andrew Lavicka | Row 5 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Michael Machos | Row 6 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Chuck Gibson ( | 9:10:43 |
2 | Jonathan Davis (Trek Bike Store Raci) | 0:29:43 |
3 | Mike Schilling (Wilderness Sports) | 0:38:47 |
4 | Drew Free (Revolution/ Peak Fas) | 0:39:46 |
5 | Zack Morrey (Blacksburg VaporGeni) | 0:51:36 |
6 | Jeff Higham (Epic Endurance Cycli) | 0:53:15 |
7 | Tim Hoppin | 1:07:01 |
8 | Troy Howard | 1:25:48 |
9 | Michael Schoenly (Blacksheep Bikes/Sch) | 1:32:25 |
10 | Tim Lutz (Rocky Mountain Racin) | 1:36:03 |
11 | Roger Stones (Rolling Stones) | 1:53:38 |
12 | Luke Duster | 1:59:15 |
13 | Brandon Smith (Salt Cycling - Adobe) | 2:00:35 |
14 | Brett Donelson (Ells Angels) | 2:12:05 |
15 | Todd Kennedy (Honey Stinger - Trek) | 2:15:15 |
16 | James Lindenblatt | 2:22:02 |
17 | Jake Lueckel | 2:32:24 |
18 | Brad Burgtorf | 2:37:58 |
19 | Matt Langley (Fat Fish Racing) | 2:48:03 |
20 | Ty Ward | 2:56:22 |
21 | Brett Ebben (Twin Six) | 2:56:42 |
22 | Steven Blackman (The Caffeinated Cycl) | 2:58:26 |
23 | Heath Garvey (Echelon Energy) | 3:01:14 |
24 | Naz Alvarez | 3:01:27 |
25 | Leslie Handy (Epic Endurance Cycli) | 3:27:37 |
26 | Neil Benton (Fat Fish Racing) | 3:28:22 |
27 | Brandon Knotts (CN-tec) | 4:18:35 |
28 | Ace Ward | 4:18:53 |
29 | Derek Eysenbach (Old Pueblo Gymnastic) | 4:22:44 |
30 | Ashley Oelschlaeger (Carlos O' Briens p/b) | 4:22:58 |
31 | Scott Zarret (Rocky Mountain Racin) | 4:24:59 |
32 | Paul Spencer | 4:34:01 |
DNF | Adam Bauer (Team EPIC Recovery) | Row 32 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mike Berg (Epic Endurance Cycli) | Row 33 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Nate Bird (Honey Stinger/Trek) | Row 34 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jeff Carson | Row 35 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Peter Durham (Dawn Patrol // SF) | Row 36 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Clayton Freeman | Row 37 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Kyle Gilliland | Row 38 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Ty Hansen (Revolution / Peak Fa) | Row 39 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Adam Hart (Trek 29er Crew) | Row 40 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mick Hebert (pro cycling) | Row 41 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Hennings | Row 42 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jeff Herr (BornToBonk) | Row 43 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Holden | Row 44 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Galen Johnson | Row 45 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matthew Klick (Zilla/Psimet) | Row 46 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Chris Knight | Row 47 - Cell 2 |
DNF | John Lakoski (Bully Hill Cove Raci) | Row 48 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ben Mottinger | Row 49 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jamie Myers (Bicycle Depot) | Row 50 - Cell 2 |
DNS | John Perry (Blue Sky Velo) | Row 51 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matthew Perry | Row 52 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Ryan Randles | Row 53 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Warren Schick (Riverfront Club at t) | Row 54 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Amos Schwartzfarb (Bully Hill Cove Raci) | Row 55 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Erik Silvassy ( | Row 56 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jeremy Smith (Skull Candy) | Row 57 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Tony Song (Evergreen Bicycle Ou) | Row 58 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Bart Spedden (Neverest) | Row 59 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David Stokes (Blue Sky Velo) | Row 60 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeff Taylor (High Desert Bicycles) | Row 61 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jared Thaut | Row 62 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jake Weber (UtahMountainBiking.c) | Row 63 - Cell 2 |
DNS | David Wert (Trek Bicycle Store) | Row 64 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Scott Wickless (DURANGO DERMATOLOGY) | Row 65 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeffrey Youngberg | Row 66 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Chris Munro | 9:50:07 |
2 | Curt Wilhelm (Trek Bicycle Store/M) | 0:13:17 |
3 | Mike Naughton (Specialized) | 0:18:28 |
4 | Keith Collins (Bach Builders/Infini) | 0:21:59 |
5 | Jeff Wardell (Excel Sports/Xybix S) | 0:34:42 |
6 | Ty Hopkins (Mad Dog Cycles Race ) | 0:48:25 |
7 | Chad Ambrose (Revolution Peak Fast) | 0:52:12 |
8 | Jeffrey W. Rank | 1:02:35 |
9 | Dave Montesi (Myself) | 1:17:06 |
10 | Sean Hassinger (Allied Orthopaedics) | 1:28:02 |
11 | Brad Grohusky | 1:31:38 |
12 | Paul Tanguay (Echelon Energy) | 1:32:45 |
13 | Sean Raborn (PowerQuip) | 1:45:58 |
14 | Brian Sells (Epic Endurance Cycli) | 1:53:55 |
15 | Chris Bondurant (Team Ascent) | 1:56:50 |
16 | Sean Fey (Team Adrenalin Cycle) | 2:05:42 |
17 | Peter Vajda | 2:14:53 |
18 | Richard Fiske (Kenwood) | 2:21:27 |
19 | Ivan Schwendt | 2:23:14 |
20 | Alex Ruiz Cruz (PEDALES) | 2:29:47 |
21 | Esteban Lipsher (Wilderness Sports) | 2:52:30 |
22 | Martin Kovacs (787 Racing) | 2:55:08 |
23 | Filip Babnic | 3:02:54 |
24 | Matt Javernick (Haley Izzy Cedar) | 3:08:39 |
25 | Tom Roan (Team Funk Cycles) | 3:12:11 |
26 | Tim Gray (Bully Hill Cove Raci) | 3:20:00 |
27 | Dan Schrad | 3:25:39 |
28 | Eman Podgorny | 3:38:46 |
29 | Scott Shepherd (Bully Hill Cove Raci) | 3:46:57 |
30 | Collin Price | 3:48:57 |
31 | Jeff French | 3:54:25 |
32 | Scott Jones | 3:57:39 |
33 | Martin Izakovic (Q7 Cycling Mercy Spe) | 4:00:51 |
34 | Angelo Forero (Peloton Cycles) | 4:02:02 |
35 | Dennis Schueler ( | 4:12:11 |
DNF | Michael Belser (Fat Fish Racing) | Row 35 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David Benjes (DCB Extreme Adventur) | Row 36 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Colin Chisholm | Row 37 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mike Davis (Edward Jones) | Row 38 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Donald Dawson | Row 39 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Joel Doctor | Row 40 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jim Easton (Wild Hares) | Row 41 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Shawn Evans | Row 42 - Cell 2 |
DNF | David Hassinger (Allied Orthopaedics) | Row 43 - Cell 2 |
DNF | William Hausdoerffer | Row 44 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mark Holley | Row 45 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Greg Holley | Row 46 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ernie Johnson (OES/BIKE SOURCE) | Row 47 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jan Kasal | Row 48 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ken Keister (Unaffiliated) | Row 49 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matt Kretchmar (Athens Bicycle) | Row 50 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Jess Kruchoski (Wheel & Sprocket / M) | Row 51 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Glenn Kubiak (Huge) | Row 52 - Cell 2 |
DNS | John Lien | Row 53 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Michael Malecki | Row 54 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brian Maslach (ProCycling) | Row 55 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Miguel Morales (Pedales) | Row 56 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeremy Oepping (Melon City Bikes) | Row 57 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Ken Overk (Caffeinated Cyclist) | Row 58 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Mike Pace (Pace'sCogFarm/ReVELO) | Row 59 - Cell 2 |
DNF | William Pontious | Row 60 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jacob Richardson (University Cycles) | Row 61 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Bob Saffell (Revolution-Peak Fast) | Row 62 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Michael Schmit | Row 63 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jeffrey Sillik | Row 64 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Keith Simmons | Row 65 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Wells Squier | Row 66 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Scott Swartz | Row 67 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Rob Walters | Row 68 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jody White (Broken Spoke Cycling) | Row 69 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Thori Wolfe | Row 70 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Matt Woodruff (BrokenSpokeCycling) | Row 71 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Bryan Roach | Row 72 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Doug Andrews ( | 9:27:31 |
2 | David Grauer (orthopro) | 1:48:50 |
3 | Dean Cahow (Team Evergreen Racin) | 2:11:55 |
4 | William Clark (None) | 3:01:39 |
5 | Paul Foster (Team Hitarock) | 4:01:43 |
6 | Robert Mcwhorter | 4:10:09 |
DNF | Randy Colburn (Fossil Racing) | Row 6 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jonathan Groene (G-Race) | Row 7 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Johnny Hughes | Row 8 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Russell Peterson | Row 9 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Robert Reid (Rundle Mountain Cycl) | Row 10 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Armando Robles (Pedales) | Row 11 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Keene Tomsyck | Row 12 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Steve Vanderburgh (Feedback) | Row 13 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Mark Thompson (Wilderness Sports - ) | 9:54:00 |
2 | Michael Scott (Trek Bicycle Store) | 0:09:08 |
3 | Jeffrey Carter | 0:12:42 |
4 | Michael Melley (Landis) | 0:12:47 |
5 | Shawn Gregory (Tuffy Security Produ) | 0:36:11 |
6 | Montana Miller (Niner/ I9/ Wildernes) | 0:40:52 |
7 | Gerry Pflug (Salsa/NoTubes/Pro Bi) | 0:46:57 |
8 | Matt Turgeon (Moots/Big Wheel Raci) | 0:55:08 |
9 | Steve Reiter (Big Wheel Racing) | 1:09:39 |
10 | Eric Cutlip | 1:10:07 |
11 | Brian Stevenson | 1:17:35 |
12 | Anthony Mannina (Rocky Mounts/Izze) | 1:32:57 |
13 | Aaron Shelmire (Pro Bikes / XXC Mag) | 1:37:47 |
14 | Donald Powers (Pro Bikes / Twin Six) | 2:30:16 |
15 | Jereme Noffke (East Bound and Down ) | 2:58:17 |
16 | Shaun Motley | 3:01:49 |
17 | Jordan Reigel (Alpha Bicycle Compan) | 3:05:03 |
18 | Jp Pougiales (Raymond James Financ) | 3:30:38 |
19 | Adam Cornely | 3:38:43 |
20 | Chad Brockmeyer | 3:57:00 |
DNF | Ryan Friedman (MORF / Redstone Cycl) | Row 20 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Joseph Gratcofsky (Rockymounts/ Twin Si) | Row 21 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jim Bassett (Reality) | Row 22 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Brian Behn | Row 23 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Daniel Boromisa (bike source) | Row 24 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Alex Clayden | Row 25 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Jason Glebe (Boulder Cycle Sport) | Row 26 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Eddie Mason (n/a) | Row 27 - Cell 2 |
DNF | James Prentice (Red Mountain Wheelme) | Row 28 - Cell 2 |
DNS | John Wright | Row 29 - Cell 2 |
DNS | Skip Cronin (War Axe Bicycles/Mon) | Row 30 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Richard Long | Row 31 - Cell 2 |
DNF | Carlos Vulgamott (Golden Bike Shop / O) | Row 32 - Cell 2 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Lucy Conklin | 11:54:34 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Carr/Rudolph/Melis (Oskar Blues / REEB C) | 9:54:44 |
2 | Heaps/Schultz/Vance (Western Orthopedics ) | 1:03:52 |
3 | Adams/Johnson/Lundel (Crank Addicts/Trek) | 2:06:43 |
4 | Jones/Sturbois/Walke (Advanced Wellness - ) | 2:36:54 |
5 | Herzog/Ridout/Willia (Nada) | 2:43:46 |
6 | Cain/Kristjansson/Le | 3:20:37 |
7 | Hutton/Schmidt/Strak (Team Medtronic) | 3:35:30 |
# | Rider Name (Country) Team | Result |
1 | Randolph/Boswell/Bal (Bo/Bec/Boz) | 10:52:23 |
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